Adian Husaini was presenting his study In Islamic and Science in AR Fachruddin Mosque UMM Auditorium, Tuesday (5/02) |
The most important thing in the relationship between Islam and Science is adab, because it is the result of its reflection. This was conveyed by Head of Islamic Education Doctoral Program, Ibnu Khaldun University of Bogor, Adian Husaini on Islamic and Science Studies held by Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FPP UMM).
Adian further explained that if adab is well presented, not only in the form of text and oral, but then there will be no more red notes for Indonesian education.
"If the lesson is prioritized, then there will be no more victims," said Adian at AR Fachruddin Hall of UMM, Tuesday (5/02) morning.
Back to the concept of Tholabul Ilmi, Adian invited to jointly improve the purpose and meaning of education properly. Education is not just about schools and formal institutions. This is needed to be straightened out because he feels that the meaning of Tholabul Ilmi has shifted. The community is more inclined how to get a good school or formal education institution, not how to gain useful knowledge and be practiced for the good of society.
"Currently, the concept of Tholabul Ilmi is frankly more directed at how can a favorite school without considering how the science was obtained," explained the former Repubilka journalist.
Furthermore, the man who got his Ph.D. degree in Islamic Civilization from International Islamic University Malaysia (IUUM) also reminded the entire audience that someone who will gain knowledge in higher level like a student, should be able to be educated to be civilized person.
"In the past, those who want to gain higher knowledge must be guaranteed to be well-nourished, at least not the first," explained by the author of Islamic Education book to form this Characteristic and Civilized Man.
In his explanation, Adian also stressed that in the concept of Islamic education, the results of study will be very reflected from how to obtain the knowledge concerned. The better the process of acquiring it, the science will continually bring benefits to anyone.
"Recently which can be seen through gaining knowledge is the result, because the results describe the process of obtaining it," said Adian.
The study organized by FPP UMM is planned to be a regular recitation by inviting several speakers from inside and outside UMM. FPP Dean David Hermawan hoped that this study can be a positive activity for all UMM community members.
"The hope of this study can continue and can be a field of knowledge for all civitas UMM," he concluded. (ard)