The board members of Institution of Islamic Boarding School Develompment (LP3M) posed with the Head Chief of PP Muhammadyah, Haedar Nashir on Friday (11/12) |
The Institution of Islamic Boarding School Development (LP3M) held a meeting for 3 days at University of Muhammadyah Malang started from Friday to Sunday, December 11-13. This newly-established institution is expected to be the vanguard of Muhammadyah.
There are 180 Muhammadyah boarding schools which are managed by the Board of Primary and Secondary Education of PP Muhammadyah. There is no difference between managing the boarding schools and the other 10,000 Muhammadyah schools (started from primary schools to senior highschools). The existence of LP3M itself is specifically managing the Muhammadyah boarding schools.
According to Dr. Mohammad Nurhakim, MA as the member of Assessment and Development of LP3M Board, there was an institution named Association of Muhammadyah Boarding School (Ittihadul Ma'ahid al-Muhammadiyah/ITMAM) which is responsible for coping the Muhammadyah boarding schools. However, ITMAM were only cultural so they couldn’t make any decision.
“With the existence of LP3M which is directly under the PP Muhammadyah coordination, it is expected that the management of the boarding schools becomes more focused and the development becomes faster,” Nurhakim said.
He said that establishing LP3M is the follow up of the suggestions about boarding schools management during the 47th Muktamar in Makassar last August. “We expect that through this meeting, the quality of Muhammadyah boarding schools can be upgraded and also there will be an increase in the quantity of the Muhammadyah boarding schools through the pilot project establishment in the strategic areas,” Nurhakim asserted.
Moreover, Nurhakim said that Muhammadyah concern in boarding schools is said to a good sign. He felt that there is a reversed vision between Muhammadyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) where Muhammadyah is interested in developing the boarding schools while the NU interest is developing the formal schools and universities. “For me, this is a positive phenomenon because this proves our strength, organizationally and nationally,” said assistant of Rector in Al-Islam and Muhammadyah (AIK).
Nurhakim also stated that education model of boarding school is said to have its character which other school doesn’t. The education in boarding school is believed more intensive because outside the learning hour, the students can enhance their skill or do another activities which are integrated with the purpose of the education.
Nurhakim cited as an example, there are Arabic and English language practice. There also are another activities of the autonomous organization such IPM, IMM, Hizbul Wathan and Tapak Suci which is not only useful for upgrading the skills, character, leadership, and also developing the Muhammadyah ideology.
“Those are the advantages of boarding school. The wider time intensity makes boarding school a miniature of life. That’s so different with formal school whom the students directly go home after finishing their learning activity,” he asserted.
Besides those facts, Nurhakim also saw that there is an innovation in the Muhammadyah boarding schools development which is called Science Boarding School (Trensains) in these last three years. Trensains is seen as the revolutionary of boarding schools which attempt to promote boarding schools through science.
The Trensains itself has been developed in two cities, Jombang and Sragen. The other cities have also been smoothly developing Trensains in their city. Trensains is an institution equal to high school which focuses on reviewing and researching the Holy Quran which are 5 times more than Fiqih.
Nurhakim personally thinks that what Muhammadyah have been doing, especially in the boarding school developments, is in line with what Muhammadyah founder, KH. Ahmad Dahlan, showed in combining formal education and religious education. “So, what we’ve been doing is in line with the root of Muhammadyah education,” he asserted. (han/t_rfd)