The Chief of Muhammdyah, Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si is giving scientific oration to the UMM graduates. |
The Chief of Muhammadyah, Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, M.Si, said that University of Muhammadyah Malang (UMM) is a university that is often hailed by his guests of the neighboring country Ambassador. As the new leader, Haedar admits his pride that Muhammadyah is always seen positively, especially its education quality, by the other parties.
After the 47th muktamar (internal discussion) of Muhammadyah at Makassar last August, the challenge that Muhammadyah will face is to increase the competitiveness and the education quality. That’s why the existence of university like UMM is important.
“UMM has proof as the university which is very competitive and its large scientific culture,” asserted by Haedar while becoming interviewee in scientific oration of 77th Graduation Ceremony at Dome of UMM, Saturday (17/10). The graduation ceremony was attended by 1600 graduates and more than 6000 guests.
Furthermore, in his opinion, even the majority of Indonesian people is Moslem, the better competitiveness in international level has not yet shown. Seen only from income per capita, Indonesia is still far from Singapore and Malaysia which is younger than this country.
“That’s why, as the country blessed with a lot of natural resources so we have no choice to prepare the best human resource because having natural resource is not enough to increase the competitive of ours,” asserted by Haedar, a Sociology professor of University of Muhammadyah Yogyakarta (UMY).
Therefore, he added, UMM has to be the pillar of Muhammadyah in preparing human resources so that this country can become khairu ummah (the primary adherent). One of the orientation held by Muhammadyah which fits with the result of muktamar (internal discussion) is becoming future-oriented Moslem.From the left: Malang city Governor, M. Anton, the Chief of Muhammadyah, Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, MSi, and the Head of UMM Administrative Board, Prof Dr HA Malik Fadjar, M.Sc. |
“The key of glory is when the human resource is hardworking, future-oriented, and doing their best as the way to be grateful by having strong character and good behavior. Be a good UMM graduate,” as suggested by Haedar.
Aside from Haedar, the Head of UMM Administrative Board, Prof. Dr. HA Malik Fadjar, M.Sc and the Governor of Malang city, M. Anton also gave their speech. The Governor of Malang in his speech said that the graduates must be able to contribute to the community.
The rector of UMM, meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, expected the graduates to confidently face the future. As the graduates of a reputable university, it is expected that the graduates should be more confident in facing their future life. (nas/t_rfd)