With just a mediocre GPA, the UMM alumnus works at Exxon Mobil

Author : Humas | Thursday, July 25, 2024 07:26 WIB
Amri Zuhal (on the right wearing glasses) an alumnus of Industrial Engineering UMM 2011 who is currently working at a multinational oil and gas company, Exxon Mobil Corporation (Photo: Special)

An alumnus of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang has proven that the cumulative grade point average (GPA) doesn't guarantee one's future. He is Amri Zuhal, a 2011 UMM Industrial Engineering alumnus who is now working at a multinational oil and gas company, Exxon Mobil Corporation. Despite having a mediocre GPA, his various organizational experiences at UMM make his soft skills very capable.

“Back then, my GPA was not up to 3.00, but I was not sad. Moreover, seeing the many organizational platforms that exist at UMM and make me able to face various work challenges until now I have a position as a health, safety, and environment specialist in this company based in America,” he said.

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Amri, as he is familiarly called, said that he was very active in various activities as a student. From participating in the Muhammadiyah Student Association to becoming chairman of the UMM Student Senate. He also brought UMM's name to the national level due to his activeness and loyalty.

Upon graduating, Amri knew that some companies did not pay much attention to those with a low GPA. He took advantage of his strength in English and used it as a weapon to compete in the workforce. He also offered to work without being paid to prove he could do a good job.

“I told the management to work for six months without pay and asked for their evaluation. They finally evaluated my performance, and Alhamdulillah, in less than two months I was handed a work contract,” he adds.

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According to him, the provision of soft skills from UMM has succeeded in bringing him to his current position. It is not only in applying for and getting a job but also when mingling with workmates and colleagues. He does not feel inferior to those who graduated from famous Indonesian and world campuses. He considered that, in work, the most important thing is how a person can withstand friction, negotiate, communicate well, present effectively, and others.

“GPA is indeed the first thing that is seen when applying for a job. But it's the soft skills that determine the future. We must be able to work together, manage time, withstand pressure, and others. Therefore, the conflict management and problem-solving skills that I got while at UMM were very helpful. It's useless to get good grades but not be able to work well. Companies don't just need those who are smart, “said Amri.

He advised the youth to be the best. This means that if you become an employee, you must be a good employee. If you become an entrepreneur, you must also be a good entrepreneur. “For example, in the workforce, as a fresh graduate, never look at salary first. Salary is secondary, the important thing is that we are given space for self-actualization. Well, we prove it there. I'm sure the salary and job will follow. Show your abilities and exceed the company's expectations,” he concluded. (Wil/Put)



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