Jas Merah : The Most Awaited Sequel

Author : Humas | Saturday, September 12, 2015 06:12 WIB

The Students Orientation of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was officially closed on Saturday (12/9). 6.866 freshmen were waiting for the depiction of the short sequel of the fourth episode ‘Jas Merah Kampus Putih’.

Annually, UMM documents the activities of Student Orientation in colossal filler that is interesting enough to be depicted in the closing ceremony. This depiction also represented the success achieved by the committee in conducting the creative, educative and religious 2015 Students Orientation.

After succeeding the flash-mob ‘LOVE UMM” in the opening ceremony and making it as the Indonesia Trending Topic (TTI) on twitter, the committee accomplished the event without involving any hazing or violence. Therefore, the depiction of the movie in the closing ceremony was the top of the achievement.

“It should get better year by year. It was very good in the last year, so I am challenged to be better this year. Alhamdulillah, we got this far by the support of the central board and all of the elements,” said the Chief Committee, Henik Sukorini, PhD.

According to him, the creative point of this Students Orientation is the result of the collaboration of all the committee, UMM Public Relation and UMM Communication Science Laboratory. Moreover, the Students Activity Units (UKM), Students Executive Boards (BEM) and Students Senate also supported what were proposed by the committee.

Regarding the sequel, the Chairman of UMM Public Relation, Nasrullah, said that it is not a new thing for UMM. Since 2009, UMM has been offered movies as the way to introduce the spirit of UMM. Starting from 2012, it has been produced fillers, TV commercials and profiles. In the same year, the idiom ‘Jas Merah Kampus Putih’ (Red Jacket, White Campus) was originated.

In 2013 and 2014, the episodes of ‘Jas Merah’ were created in form of story. According to Nasrullah, this kind of movie is inspiring and is potential to be the pioneer of campus movie in form of mini drama. The story tells about the journey of a countryside girl named Lila who freshly graduated from high school, became the students of UMM, graduated, had a job, and successfully paid for her father’s pilgrimage to Mecca. For Nasrullah, the idion ‘Jas Merah Kampus Putih’ is the spirit behind the tagline of UMM ‘From Muhammadiyah to Nation’.

Nowadays, the idiom ‘Jas Merah Kampus Putih’ is used by all the UMM elements. The Rector of UMM, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP, said that the idiom is not only having literal meaning due to the red jacket worn by students and the white-painted buildings in UMM, but also referring to the acronym ‘Jas Merah’ (Jangan Sampai Melupakan Sejarah = Don’t Ever Forget The History) used by the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno.

Moreover, he explained that the ‘white campus’ means ‘trusted, optimistic and illuminating’. The similarity of ‘Jas Merah Kampus Putih’ with the color of Indonesian flag fused as one. No wonder the spirit of nationalism is strongly attached in the movie.

Therefore, he took it seriously to create each movie of Students Orientation. “I want every student and alumnus are proud with UMM through these movies. For this year, the concept ‘Jas Merah KampusPutih’ is visualized with the flash mob ‘LOVE UMM’ with the red-white background,’ he said.

The sequel itself is the pride of UMM since it was created by all of the UMM elements. Students, lecturers and alumni had contributed to the film making, starting from the production house up to the casts. (nov/han/t_far)




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