Conducting a Study on Preventing Outbreaks in Shrimp Farming, A Team of UMM Earns the Favourite Winner of the PIMNAS Event

Author : Humas | Thursday, December 08, 2022 09:22 WIB
The contingent of UMM successfully earns the favourite winner in the 35th PIMNAS event. (Photo: Haqi PR)

A team from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang successfully became the favourite winner in the presentation class of the PIMNAS event in the Students’ Creativity Program Exact Research (Translated: PKM-RE) after they provided solutions about bacteria that infect shrimps until lead to death. The team member consisted of Annisa Salsabila, Alif Zidane Juni Wananda, Aufal Ahdi Robbani, Shafira Rahmania, and Imroatin Hasana, who participated in the prestigious event at the beginning of December 2022.

Caca, the team leader, explained that the team’s research entitled The Use of Freeze Drying Technology of Vannamei Shrimp Gut Indigenous Bacteria to Stabilise the Viability and  Preventive Actions of Acute Hepatopancreonic Necrosis Disease (AHPND). The brilliant ideas emerged due to the new disease, shortened AHPND. The outbreak causes death 100% in shrimp farming; however, things related to tackling the issue still have more limitations. 

“Then, we initiated to create a solution using a bacterium isolated from the digestive tract of shrimp and preserved by the freeze drying method,” the aquaculture student explained.

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She realises that everything is inseparable from problems, as her team experienced. They faced difficulties setting the exact research time because it clashed with a lecture. Besides learning to understand research material, they also honed their presentation skills consistently until they were successfully awarded as the favourite winner of the presentation class. Caca said, “We even prepared a costume to be compact so it would attract the judges.”

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Caca and her team felt grateful because UMM always assisted them in every progress of the PKM proposal until it passed the PIMNAS event selection. With the evaluation and monitoring process always held weekly, they could identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Lastly, Caca expects her team’s win to inspire her to generate more achievements. Primarily, this competition is prestigious and the most anticipated program for students from around Indonesia. “Hopefully, in the next year of the PIMNAS event, more Students’ Creativity Program proposals will pass and win the championship. I am sure that there much potency and creativity owned by the White Campus’ students,” she asserted while concluding. (imh/ros/wil)



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