Greeting: Rector of UMM, Fauzan delivered his remarks during the reception Milad of Muhammadiyah turning to 107 years in UMM Dome |
University of Muhammadiyah Malang held a reception to celebrate the establishment of Muhammadiyah which was turning to 107 years followed by the entire members of UMM and business partners. This reception was held at UMM Dome on Friday (2/12).
The Secretary of central executive of Muhammadiyah, Dr.H.Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed, General Chairman of Muhammadiyah for East Java, Dr.H.Saad Ibrahim, M.A, the Regent of Malang, Rendra Kresna, the Rector of UMM, Fauzan, and all of the autonomous organizations of Muhammadiyah in Malang attended the celebration.
Abdul Mu'ti in his speech said that there were some graduates of Muhammadiyah who havebecome regents and ministers. He hoped that UMM would be able to widen the action and goes international. Mu’ti claimed that he often told about UMM in international forums.
He continued,"It is time for UMM to start thinking about Malang, East Java, Indonesia, and even the world. As the largest Moslem modernist movement in the world, Muhammadiyah especially UMM is the big hope of the world.”
Rector of UMM Fauzan, explained that Milad Muhammadiyah at UMM was the way of UMM to continue affirming to build the nation. "This celebration is held as well as a forum to connect familiarity between UMM academic community, the people of society and the citizens of Muhammadiyah in Malang,"
Saad Ibrahim stated that now Muhammadiyah is turning to 107 years. Muhammadiyah should not forget the small parts which have made it what it was like today. Muhammadiyah also should make the schools in remote areas prosperous. “I think UMM does not forget about those small parts. I hope the usefulness of UMM will always continue”
Meanwhile, there was a jargon “ Muhammadiyah is my movement”. It refers to one of Mars Muhammdiyah lyric. According to the Regent of Malang, Rendra, he stated that it was right that Muhammadiyah was named as a movement, not only as an organization. Muhammadiyah took action in all sides of public society without waiting for orders.
He continued,"Muhammadiyah is present and is engaged in all sides of life, making the community independent. It obeys the rule and principles. Besides, Muhammdiyah makes a civil society which is based on baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur,”
Renda added that UMM became an integral part of the massive movement. UMM has established the nation's leaders in various fields. Renda was one of them. This man was an alumnus of the Faculty of Economics and Business of UMM. (Ich / jal / han)