Kemristekdikti Asks UMM Researchers to Conduct Community-Based Research
Author : Humas | Sunday, December 03, 2017 15:19 WIB
Director General of Research Reinforcement Kemristekdikti, Muhammad Dimyati (left) with UMM Rector Fauzan during the activity "Ngobrol Bareng Peneliti" |
IMPROVED the number of researches that have been done by researchers of University of MuhammadiyahMalang (UMM) became one of the Director General of Research Strengthening Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education, Muhammad Dimyati reasons visited UMM on "Chatting with Researchers" on Sunday (3/12) in UMM Senate Meeting Room.
In this sharing activity, Dimyati reminded researchers to be able to conduct research related to the needs of community. It is expected to be implemented soon as there are many things that can be created in the midst of modern society.
"You all must know Go-Jek is created from the problems that occur in the community," said Dimyati.
Added Dimyati, the thing to remember in doing research is not just writing but need to do the recognition of intellectual property. This is supported by the status of private universities that have a great opportunity to conduct research so as to help the needs of the community.
"UMM as one of the outstanding private universities should be able to enter the research stream to support the position of the number of Indonesian research at ASEAN level," explained Dimyati.
For the Rector of UMM, Fauzan, the presence of Director General of Research Kemristekdikti was fresh air and positive spirit for UMM researchers.
"We really appreciate the presence of Director General of Research Kemristekdikti.This activity is a form of positive spirit for our UMM researchers," said Fauzan.
UMM through the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) presented all UMM's best researchers to share ideas and innovations about the research. (ard)