Introducing Orem-orem, UMM Students Get the First Winner of 2018 Communication Festival in Jakarta

Author : Humas | Wednesday, August 08, 2018 10:13 WIB
Introducing the Legendary Malang Orem-orem Culinary, UMM Students Get the First Place in the 2018 Communication Festival
Remembering Malang means remembering its typical culinary, one of which is Meatballs. Malang Meatballs are well known throughout Indonesia. Thus, anyone who comes to Malang should not miss another legendary snack, Orem-orem.
This culinary processed with the characteristic of tempe and coconut milk sauce brought three students of the Communication Science Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to become the First Winner at the 2018 Communication Festival at Al Azhar University Indonesia (UAI) , Jakarta.
They are Rahmania Santoso, Arif Priyono, and Arul Ivansyah, all of them are Communication Science students who are members of Sawang Sinawang Films.
"Sawang Sinawang Films is a group formed by Communication Science students who take Audio Visual concentrations," explained Rahmania.
The festival held by UAI Communication Science Student Corps was held from Friday-Sunday (3-5 / 8). Being one of the groups chosen to present the Broadway (Broadcasting Way) category competition product that focuses on citizen journalism and raise the archipelago culinary, Rahmania admitted that the prepared presentation was actually rushed.
"We just found out that we passed it at one o'clock in the evening, and we arrived dawn in Jakarta while we had to present at eight o'clock in the morning," explained the student who had just finished her final assignment.
The choice of Orem-orem as a culinary presented by Sawang-Sinawang Films begins with research on typical Malang cuisine. According to Arul, Orem-orem was chosen because there were not many people who knew about this typical Malang food.
"We choose Orem-orem because we ourselves do not know for sure about this food," explained Arul.
The 2018 Communication Festival is routinely held with the theme of issues that are currently being discussed. This year, with the theme of Realizing the Nusantara Potential the event was held with a mission to introduce Indonesian culture through the unique potential of the region.
"The big theme of this event is Realizing the Potential of the Archipelago and each category of competition also has a different sub-theme," Rahmania said.
The festival is divided into three competition categories, namely Broadway (Broadcasting Way), GoPro (Go PR Professional), and Advertime (Advertising Time). (ard)


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