Collaboration between UMM-Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Jeddah to Help Migrant Children Studying

Author : Humas | Monday, October 31, 2022 07:35 WIB
Eko Hartono selaku Konsulat Jenderal RI Jeddah dan Dr. fauzan, M.Pd selaku Rektor UMM. (Foto: Rosi Humas)

Occupying the first place as the best Islamic campus in the world does not stop the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) from helping human civilization. Most recently, the UMM White Campus visited the Indonesian Consulate General Jeddah to UMM White Campus to collaborate on October 25, 2022. Specially to accommodate the children of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Jeddah and Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Eko Hartono, the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Jeddah, said he wanted to cooperate with UMM through a training center in vocational training. He says many children from Indonesian migrants wish to continue their studies at UMM. Moreover, they have prepared themselves to meet the available requirements.

"They certainly have the desire, ability, and qualifications that have been prepared. It becomes a capital to continue their studies in college. For those who don't want to continue their bachelor's degree, vocational training can be a consideration. Moreover, UMM's vocation is also perfect," he explained.

Eko, his nickname, explained that later this collaboration could also attract universities in Jeddah and explore partnerships for student exchanges, joint research, or other international activities. "We ask for the leadership's willingness to be able to help the future of these migrant children so that they can go to college. Moreover, I see that UMM is the best Islamic campus in the world that can develop quality human resources," he said.

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On the same occasion, Sutikno, as the Head of the Indonesian School in Jeddah, said that many PMI children wanted to continue their studies but were hindered by costs. Because his parents' income is relatively low and even becomes a burden on the family.

"Therefore, we want to cooperate with UMM to entrust the children of PMI. So that they can study at UMM and continue to work. At least, parents are not worried about letting go of their children because the culture in Malang is not much different from theirs," he said.

He also briefly explained the problems that his party often faced there. One of them is bullying, and seniority is so thick. He admits that these two things have not been able to be overcome optimally because of the lack of BK teachers. "I also hope that UMM can provide training for our teachers so that they can assist students well. Even with a series of research that can support the teaching and learning process," he said.

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The Rector of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd, welcomed this collaboration. According to him, this kind of cooperation can add ammunition to the usefulness of the UMM White Campus. Not only domestically but also abroad. Previously, UMM had also sent many workers to Japan, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi. Moreover, UMM now has a Center of Excellence (CoE) program that can spread higher benefits.

“PMI children can enter vocational training to get practice immediately. At UMM, there is also a CoE that can hone student skills. This program is also very flexible so that they can freely choose their superior class,” said Fauzan. (ros/wil)



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