Prof Terrill L Frantz is receiving a souvenir Almamater UMM from Fauzan, UMM Rector. (Photo: Rino / HUMAS) |
(FEB) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held an International Conference on Future Business Environment and Innovation (ICOFBEI). The event at UMM Dome on Wednesday (9/11) was followed by FEB UMM students and a number of guest participants from Ukraine, Malaysia, USA, and China.
Fauzan, UMM Rector, in his speech stated, students should take advantage of this conference to assess what power must be developed to be able to take part in the international business world later. "The development of today's business must be 'reading' for students," he said.
There are three experts who became speaker in this forum that Prof Terrill L Frantz from China's Peking University, Prof. Mudrajad from Gadjah Mada University, Dr Suhal from University Malaysia Terengganu, and Dr Djoko Sigit Sayogyo from UMM.
UMM FEB Dean, Dr Idah Zuhroh MM explained, scientific meeting is expected to be one of the efforts towards internationalization UMM. In addition to the conference, a series of activities are also filled with paper presentations lecturers and researchers who have previously been selected through a Call for Papers.
"The goal is to obtain a review of other studies, thus it can improve the results of previous studies. Then, it can be proceed with the international publication and disseminated a source of learning, "said Idah Zuhroh.
Related to economic development and business in Indonesia, Idah assessed the economic actors have equal competitiveness. In developing countries, low human impacst on the lack of economic prosperity. Globalization is unavoidable, therefore innovations in various fields should be developed.
Role FEB UMM, said Idah, ie, generating entrepreneurial human resources, so that it keeps using management principles while working everywhere in order to accelerate the development goals, both in government and business.
Meanwhile, according to Prof Terrill, to become an international business person, the most important addition to the concept is the execution or implementation. Successful execution was marked by some behavior, ie vision, tenacity, grit, determination, resourceful, and ready meticulous.
According to him, if you want to develop skills, then look at the situation around. The business world is constantly transformed. Transformation is a very difficult thing to do, but he gives a huge influence on the world. According to Terrill, things to do by Indonesian is preparing a global generation that is ready to execute and transformation. (Ich / han)