Kunto Aji-Yeni Inka Hypnotic at Your Voice Matters UMM

Author : Humas | Thursday, September 29, 2022 07:13 WIB
Kunto Aji's appearance at the Your Voice Matters (YVM) event organized by UMM-Indozone. (Photo: Rino PR UMM)

A rumbling sound was heard from the Dome of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The reason was the reason for the appearance of Yeni Inka and Kunto Aji at the Your Voice Matters (YVM) event organized by UMM-Indozone. Performing a series of songs, the two drugged the new UMM White Campus students on Wednesday (28/7) in between the material about youth at the event.

Not only presenting music performances, but YVM also presents a myriad of presenters who discuss current issues such as youth, content creation, business, and others. It is the fuel for UMM's new students to continue to explore their potential and take advantage of opportunities now and in the future. YVM is also an effort of UMM-Indozone to produce intelligent and above-average leaders so that later they can contribute to the nation.

During his performance, Kunto Aji sang songs from the Mantra-Mantra album. Starting from it is said, Jakarta, Jakarta, to Rest. The audience was also hysterical and joined in singing along. In the middle of the performance, he invited the audience to chat and let go of all the feelings that weighed them down.

"I haven't been to Malang for a long time, and Alhamdulillah, UMM, and Indozone invited me to entertain my fellow students. That's great. For new student friends, keep the spirit until the end. Keep the fire of enthusiasm until the thesis and complete the study, "said Kunto Aji.

Meanwhile, Yeni Inka invited the contents of the UMM Dome to shake. Yeni, who wore pink clothes, asked more than 6,000 new UMM students to rock and forget for a moment their fatigue. Including when he performed the song “Joko Tinggir Ngombe Dawet”. It was so much fun. Yeni asked the audience to be more orderly and enjoy it well.

"Your Voice Matters is entertaining. Besides witnessing three fun guest starts, we also got a lot of interesting knowledge and insights from the presenters. The motivation given is also able to make us more enthusiastic in facing the world of lectures, "said one of UMM's first-year students, Nanda Septiana Pramudiyanti.

The student majoring in social welfare at UMM hoped that events like YVM could be held regularly. Not only entertaining but also provides new insights for young people. He considered that YVM might have a series of successful businessmen or content activists who voiced kindness. (cdr/*/wil)



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