Galih Wasis Wicaksono, M.Cs. and Nur Putri Hidayah, M.H. during the 2017 SenasPro at UMM Dome last October. |
The research team of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) had succeeded in making Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) designer software and learning tool such as syllabus, Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) called "Lective". This team consists of UMM lecturers Galih Wasis Wicaksono MCs, Nur Putri Hidayah MH and Dr. Hari Windu Asrini, assisted by UMM Informatics Engineering Student M Andi Al-Rizqi.
Research team chairman Galih explained that the research that has been starting since 2014, it was started from some young lecturers difficulties within curriculum preparation. In Reality, not all lecturers or educators have got the material to arrange curriculum on a regular basis. "Therefore we intend to simplify and remind the preparation of the curriculum by using application software," explained this lecturer of Informatics Engineering Department of UMM.
Nur Putri Hidayah as CMO and LO research team also added that research funded by Kemenristek Dikti have many features and products such as Lective Gegulang, Lective Huluakan, Package and Training. "In the future, we will begin to develop the Lective Imbagas which is a software for planning evaluation of learners' learning outcomes. In addition to the plan further, by the 2021 the Lective will be able to support quality assurance and accreditation," explained this Law Faculty lecturer of UMM .
Nowadays, Nur continued that the Lective was more focused to seek recognition from educational institutions. "We are active to seek recognition by participating in exhibitions and even direct presentations to potential institutions," he continued.
Uniquely, although it have not yet marketed professionally, many educators and educational institutions that had used this product. In addition it being used in several faculties at UMM, the Lective is also used by some lecturers at Ma Chung University and University of Muhammadiyah Mataram. There are 98 lecturers, 11 faculties, and 41 departments througout Indonesia who already used the Lective product. (Naz)