Lesson Study Presents School based Community

Author : Humas | Monday, November 07, 2016 10:44 WIB

International Conference on Lesson Study (ICLS) was held at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) for three days last weekend (3-4 / 11). This event was conducted by three lecturers of Faculty of Training and Education, Drs Nur Widodo MKes, Dr Roro Eko Susetya Rini MSi and Dra Sri Wahyuni MKes. who are the initiators of the implementation Lesson Study (LS) in Malang.

Roro Eko stated, LS at UMM originated from the Higher Education grant program in 2010. In the second year, LS UMM school began looking for partners who want to join UMM. SMAN 2 Batu was selected as UMM partner school and UMM as companion.

When Eko was asked about the community-based schools, she answered that currently LS UMM engaged several schools in Malang and Batu as partner schools. UMM lectuters act as a companion.

This FKIP lecturer who also joined the World Association of Lesson Study (waltz) explained, the school was intended as a community-based school that has unity of vision between committees, principal, teachers, parents, and the society.

 “We take unity of vision and collaboration. It means that we should give the same level of attention to all students regardless they are smart or not. Their knowledge should be developed wider. Students who are considered clever or smart in class should teach their friends who still cannot understand the lesson. This principle is the same as peer tutor”. She explained.

Thus, it is not only teachers who play a role in the development of students, but all the elements associated with the students' progress. This idea is now being distributed to the schools which implement community-based school that has not had the same vision.

"UMM is ready to accompany and foster the establishment of a school for LS in schools," Eko said.

Slightly revealing the history, Eko told about the Head of study program Biology and Mathematics Education elected to implement LS in the early days of its grant. The first year only had one subject. The process continued with socialization related LS, workshops, and implementation of courses in biology and mathematics.

Entering the second year, LS began disseminating to other courses in Faculty of Training and Education, which were Primary Teacher Education Study (PGSD) and Indonesian Education Study. This year (third year) is the last year of the implementation of the program, dissemination continued to English education study program and Civic Education study Program.  Thus, all study programs in Faculty of Training and Education have been implemented LS (at least one). In Biology study program, LS is still implemented until now although the project has been done three years ago (Ich / han).



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