A dance, song, book, and language, artifacts and other forms of ancestral heritage must be known by future generations. The step is important because our culture contains the value of noble values that are not owned by new cultures, whose tendency to erode local culture that is oriented to the East
A cultural expert from Jawaharlal Nehru University India, Dr. Ghautam, explained that culture must continue to be passed down from generation to generation. These ideals cannot be realized unless taught through a process from an early age and many years.
"Even a child should be introduced to their mother tongue from childhood. It is intended in order the noble values more penetrated into the child," he said in the Multidisciplinary Study of Cultural Institute (LK) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) entitled "Traditional Culture Perspectives and Abroad in Building Nation Character", on Thursday (27/7) .
Meanwhile, according to Dwi Cahyo, SE. who is a cultural activist of Malang, to apply the learning culture is not necessarily taught. Learning culture cannot be taught instantly, for example, making an application that provides information about Malang Culture. It takes a supportive atmospheric conditioning to apply that learning.
"Apps provided by gadget for example, will not have such an enormous impact on children's knowledge. It takes the involvement of five senses, especially the sense of touch and vision so that knowledge can be absorbed into the heart, for example, establish a museum and provide infrastructure that supports cultural learning," said the man who is also the initiator of the Tempo Doeloe Malang Festival.
Iis Siti Aisyah, Ph.D., from Institution of Culture Institution who became a panelist explained that not all that come from West bring bad impact, vice versa. "Indonesia oriented on Eastern culture inherit noble culture. But, because it continues to be bombarded by outside cultures and we are not able to fiter, so there must be a shift especially to young generation," he said. (ard)