The Students’ Leadership and Management Training (LKMM), a three-days program held by Students Bureau of University of Muhammadiyah malang (UMM), was participated by no less than 200 student functionaries from all units, such as Students Association (HMJ), Students Executive Board (BEM), Students Senate, Students Activity Units (UKM) and Semi-Autonomous Agency (LSO) on Friday-Sunday (2-4/10).
The Vice Rector III, Dr. Diah Karmiyati, said that this event is held to provide the student activists knowledge of how to run their organizations well. Moreover, this event is considered as bonus for the students in learning leadership as their softskill in the future.
“This is an event of encouragement. Those who are selected will gain more knowledge than those who do not. This is a kind of appreciation for the student activists,” said Diah.
She also added that the student functionaries are naturaly selected among all the students in UMM. Therefore, this rare chance ought to be taken by them in order to practise how to manage organization and to strengthen the character of leadership. “This is a bonus for you who have been selected,” she asserted.
For three days, the participants were given various training, both in theoritical and practical, such as organization, building international network, designing web, protocol, publication and media relationship, and nationalism. On the last day, they participated the outbound activities and leadership games.
LKMM is an anual program held by UMM for ten past years. The significance of this program is to strengthen the students’ organization and their leaderships so that they can be rolemodels for all the UMM students. (nas/t_far)