The Head of OJK Malang, Widodo at Finance Seminar in Increading Financial Literacy and Inclusion at UMM, Tuesday (17/4) |
Many Countries invest their stocks in Indonesia to build new businesses. This makes the government through the Institution of Security Guarantor of Financial Services have to work very hard.
The Financial Services Authority (OJK) as an institution to establish an integrated regulatory and supervisory system for all activities in financial sector, both banking and non-banking sector, continuously educates people through financial literacy education and financial inclusion. Diploma (D3) of Financial and Banking Faculty of Economy and Business University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is chosen as a partner to socialize it.
The Head of Diploma of Finance and Banking, Syamsul Hadi, said that financial literation and inclusion is a responsibility of all to get the trust of people and financial service providers.
At the Financial Seminar of Literacy Improvement and Financial Inclusion at UMM on Tuesday (17/4), Syamsul said,”This seminar is a way to spread financial literation and inclusion knowledge to lift up the trust of costumers towards financial service providers”.
The Head of OJK of Malang, Widodo, said that the involvement of institution of education in financial literation and inclusion is important. Widodo said, “OJK cooperates with campus as ne one education institution that also takes responsibility about this”.
This seminar was also attended by owners of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malang and Batu City. Previously, they were taught about the basic of financial planning in capital of SMEs by the students of Finance and Banking Department of UMM. One of the owners of SMEs who produces Shuttlecock, Ani Setyanti, said that this visit of those students is beneficial for her business. Ani who is a businesswoman from Lawang, said, “Students of Finance and Banking came to my place and explained about how to manage the financial”.
Meanwhile, faculty of Economy and Business is getting ready to be an education provider of Economy and Business at ASEAN level. The Dean of Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB), Idah Zuhroh, conveyed that FEB UMM is increasing the quality and capability of human resources from FEB. Idah said, “This is the time for FEB to increase the quality of human resources and be ready to be an educational institution according to ASEAN Standard”.
Meanwhile, according to the Head of Laboratory of Finance and Banking, Eris Tri Kurniawati, this event is a tactical way in educating students to start running a business through investment. Eris said, “This event is a way to educate students to be investors”.
This event was held on Tuesday to Wednesday (17-18/04) and presented some financial providers under OJK, which are Bank of Muamalat Malang, Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Surabaya, Prudentail Life Assurance Malang, Pawnship Office of Malang, and the National Health Care Security (BPJS) of Malang. They signed a memorandum of cooperation with FEB UMM. (lus)