The Chief of MPK PP Muhammadiyah Networking is showing the application of Muhammadiyah Cadres System
Muhammadiyah as an Islamic organization has a large number of cadres who will become the future of the nation. Through the Second National Work Meeting (Rakernas) held at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), the Assembly Education of Cadres (MPK) of Muhammadiyah brought a theme “Strengthening Cadres to Resource Transformation”.
This theme was chosen to respond to the dynamism of social order that can change the cadres system of Muhammadiyah. The Chairman of Central MPK of muhammadiyah, Ari Anshory stated that the cadres of Muhammadiyah must be trained to face Industrial Revolution that changes the needs of human resources quality. Ari said, “The cadre of Muhammadiyah is not only the way of Muhammadiyah to spread Islam, but also as a way to lift up the quality of human resources”.
Today, Friday (13/04), MPK officially launched a digital application which is the System of Muhammadiyah Cadres (SPM). This application is developed by Informatics Management Muhammadiyah College of Jakarta (STMIK) to increase transformation system of Muhammadiyah cadres today.
According to Faiz Rafdhi, this application is invented in order to make the cadres of Muhammadiyah and people easily get information about Muhammadiyah. Faiz who is the Chief of MPK PP Muhammadiyah Networking, said, “This application is invented to make everyone knows about Muhammadiyah”.
This Rakernas II MPK PP Muhammadiyah was held for three days, Friday to Sunday (13-15/4). This event was attended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia on the General stage by bringing the theme “The Strategy of Human Resources Development”. (lus)