Mathematics Experts Improve the Quality of Learning

Author : Humas | Monday, August 07, 2017 12:12 WIB
Mathematic Education Expert from Sultan Idris University Malaysia Mohd Faizal Nizal Lee Abdullah speaks during the Mathematics Education Seminar at UMM.

MATHEMATIC Education expert from Sultan Idris University Malaysia Mohd Faizal Nizal Lee Abdullah urged a teacher should look at an international studies result regarding the mathematics and science tendency or Trend in International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS), as well as a worldwide assessment to test a children academic performance or the Program for International Student Assessment (PISSA), which showed strengths and weaknesses within teaching and learning of mathematics both nationally and internationally.

"In Malaysia, the results of that research have increased much interest toward quality of mathematics teaching (MQI), which the quantity of teachers knowledge need to be improved to teach mathematics effectively and the role of this knowledge is very important in developing of mathematics qualified teachers," he explained during the National Seminar on Mathematics Education Master Program University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) at Ahmad Dahlan Hall UMM on Saturday, August 5.

Faizal delivered on "Developing Quality Teachers of Mathematics: The Role of Mathematical Knowledge of Teaching". Faizal further explained, by keeping it, an educator should try to develop strategies to assess the results of their efforts in developing mathematics qualified teachers.

Within more general context, he argued that good teaching requires teachers to create and use, expand and refuse, construct and reconstruct learning and teaching theories. Those theories were carefully crafted from lessons, which learned based on years of experience and proper observation.

"The teacher who has made his explicit theories and felt it with his own experience in the classroom, the criticism of colleagues, and the current knowledge of research has made a choice of effective pedagogical to produces teaching quality," he explained.

On the other hand, Mathematics Education experts from UMM. Moh. Mahfudz Efendi in his presentation described regardinng the need of repositioning for mathematics learning within  Vocational High School (SMK). According to him, SMK was an unique school and different from SMA. Therefore, mathematics learning in vocational schools should be different from SMA. "Even mathematics teaching objects between the skills program and another must also be differentiated, because it is different needs," he said.

Based on his findings research, the development of mathematics curriculum in SMK based on supply driven azaz, it was not integrated with the goal of  program, which caused the skills tend to be an overloaded and overlapped in teaching subject. "The impact is the development of teaching does not focus on the necessary and needed subject, the learning becomes non-contextual, unattractive, and meaningless. So that students' understanding toward mathematics and skills program become less optimal, "he said.

The Mathematics, added Mahfudz, was not just a tool to solve problems, but it must be Functionalized as a visual learning tool, forming real mindset, and cultivating  positive attitude for vocational students to be able to adapt easier. The attitude and  adaptability must be owned by students of SMK to make them critical, creative, and able to develop themselves toward the development of modernity and job. (Naz)



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