The Foreign Students are Competing in the Promoting Indonesia Film Making

Author : Humas | Monday, November 16, 2015 11:06 WIB
Berita UMM

One of the International Students Summit 2015 agendas is the 10 films judging. The event that will be held at mini theater laboratory of Communication Study of UMM is the continuation of Promoting Indonesia through short movie competence.

        The Head of International Relation Office, Dr. Abdul Haris, MA, stated that the competence started from last weeks through the Facebook. The short movies of the foreign students who study in Indonesia are uploaded at the account of The 4th International Students Summit 2015 and the winner is the one which get the most “like”. Amongst the uploaded short movies, the best 10 will be judged by the jury team.

       “We will choose the best three short movies for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winner. These short movies are how the foreign students promote Indonesia through online media,” Haris asserted.

        The selected three judges are Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto, M.Pd, Nasrullah M.Si, and Husnun Djuraid, M.Si. The first two names are UMM lecturers while the latter is a senior journalist of Malang Post. “There are three aspects. Language and cultural messages, cinematography, and publication aspect,” Haris said.

       Meanwhile, the preparation of the event is already prepared by UMM committee. The 40 flags of the participants are already mounted at the Helipad of UMM. There will be a photo section with the participants also in that place.

       As informed before, there are approximately 100 students from 40 countries that will gather in UMM to join the 4th International Students Summit 2015. This annual event is hosted by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

       UMM is the first private university to host such event. Last events were in the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education office in 2012, University of Padjajaran Bandung in 2013, and University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta in 2014.

       There has been 40 confirmed participants. Germany, Iraq, Morocco, South Korea, Mexico, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burundi, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Fiji, Gambia, India, Iran, Colombia, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Serbia, Sierra Lione, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam are among the participants. (nas/t_rfd)



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