This student created a smart multilevel parking security system

Author : Humas | Friday, November 20, 2020 14:57 WIB
Smart Multi-storey Parking Safety System for Four-Wheeled Vehicles Student Creativity Program - Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC) from UMM

It is noted that in Indonesia there are still frequent cases of cars jumping from multi-storey parking lots. From 2006-2017 there have been 10 cases of accidents of four-wheeled vehicles that jumped from multi-storey parking lots. Meanwhile, according to a report from the Road Safety Association, Korlantas Polri noted that around 50 percent of traffic accidents are triggered by carelessness while driving, from a total of 50 percent of accidents caused by human factors.


Apart from human negligence, parking service providers are required to be able to provide secure multilevel parking services, especially in terms of parking barriers. Based on the data from the previous problem, an idea was created in the design of the parking booster rod by changing the rod design from a passive system to a dynamic one.


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This idea was tried to be achieved by a group of students from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) who designed "Smart Multi-storey Parking Security System for Four-Wheeled Vehicles". This idea is registered in the Student Creativity Program - Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC). They were Muhammad Ardiansyah, Ivanda Oktavian Saputra, and Arista Dwi Setya Budi who had the idea.


"The innovation initiated in the design of this tool is by changing the design of the parking safety system, which was previously passive, becomes dynamic with a rotation mechanism. The way it works is by creating a slip on the wheels of the car in case of a sudden speed when the car backs up, so that the car is held up by a barrier device and can avoid accidents, ”explained Muhammad Ardiansyah as group leader.


Although there are already similar products with the same function, continued this mechanical engineering student, their product is claimed to have more advantages. Among them are easily mass produced because they do not require high technology and the need for safety parking in various multi-storey building parking lots. Second, materials are easy to obtain because materials can be purchased separately. Moreover, the material in the manufacture of this tool is also produced domestically (PT. Barata).


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Third, this tool also has the potential to get a new patent, namely because the mechanism of the tool is the latest and does not exist before. In addition, the product can be continuously developed and has an investment period of up to 10 years. Fourth, the safety of this tool is also measurable, that is, this product has been adjusted to the specifications of four-wheeled vehicles in Indonesia. Also, it can withstand vehicle loads of up to 2 tons.


This tool does not require high technology, but only utilizes the force that occurs when the car is parked (Newton III Law). "The mechanism of action force will be given when the wheel rotates and touches the roll axle of the prop. When the driver steps on the gas pedal too deep, the reaction force on the axle roll will fight the wheel rotation so that the wheels cannot pass through the roller rod. Roll axles that use solid iron minimize breaking and bending when under downward pressure, "Ardiansyah explained. (nain / can)



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