UMM Students Asked to Raise Market of European Renewable Energy

Author : Humas | Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:11 WIB
Indonesia Energy Academy founder Dr Syarif Riyadi talks about renewable energy markets in Indonesia and Europe.

INDONESIA Energy Academy founder Dr Syarif Riyadi and Desti Alkano PhD came on Thursday (28/9), provided a valuable lesson for Engineering Faculty Student atUniversity of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Moreover, UMM wasknown as a renewable energy conscious campus, it indicated through  Micro Hydro Power  (PLTMH).

According to Syarif Riyadi, Indonesia has a great opportunity to utilize and innovate the renewable energy. "In European countries such as Germany and Netherlands  demanded an using of renewable energy technology for transportation and it begun to grow up consistently," said Riyadi who has been ten years of working and researching experience in the field of renewable energy in many European countries.

Currently, Riyadi added, the Netherlands to target by 2025 to stop using fuel. "Unfortunately, Indonesia still has to be satisfied with being only a distributor of renewable energy products from European countries" he explained during the guest lecture on "Materials Technology and Renewable Energy Development".

Riyadi said that Indonesia need a research-based company that utilize the use of renewable energy properly. For Riyadi, with abundant natural resources, Indonesia was very likely to create the renewable energy.

Riyadi hoped that by 2040 Indonesia could catch up both creation and utilization of renewable energy. Thus, Indonesia could become an exporter of renewable energy for countries that having less resources of renewable energy.

Riyadi added that nowadays it is time for Indonesia to support the research of electrical-vehicle production as an actualization of Indonesia preparation in facing fuel degradation which is being used.

Meanwhile, Desti Alkano said that according to the results of his research, within 20 years electricity service providers in Indonesia would be bankrupt if not changed its form of service into smart-grids innovation, as one of renewable energy that has been developed by him in Belgium. (Naz)



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