UMM Student Successfully Wins a Gold in Pomprov 2022

Author : Humas | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 03:55 WIB
Orin successfully presented the first gold for UMM in the 2022 Pomprov event. (Photo: Istimewah)

The East Java Provincial Student Sports Week (Pomprov) has taken place. The participants have mobilized effort and creativity to achieve the highest achievement. Zeriflita Aura Rinjani, a psychology student at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), did the same thing. She won the first gold for UMM in the 2022 East Java Pomprov in the rock-climbing sport, the Women's Lead category. The sports championship took place on Thursday (24/3).

Orin said that he did not expect to win gold. Moreover, she became the first athlete of the White Campus to record gold successfully. In preparation, she continues to do extra exercises regularly. Whether it exercises on the wallboard or physical strengthening. After training, she also did not forget to do relaxation to relax muscles and emotions.

"Considering that the exercise is done 4-5 times a week, the relaxation methods I usually include swimming and PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation). Sometimes I also do contraction-relaxation as a form of flexibility exercise by stretching," he explained.

Orin again told me that he had been introduced to rock climbing since elementary school (SD). No wonder because both of his parents are rock climbing athletes. Even his father is an alumnus of UMM who has also been rock climbing since he was young. She began to seriously change rock climbing after stepping into Junior High School (SMP). She saw a relative of the same family who had successfully won various rock-climbing champions.

"Since then, I've been training hard to win. Moreover, my father and my mother are also former rock-climbing athletes. Thank God it was a sweet victory with a series of trophies. Before this Pomprov, I also won the national champion in Riau as a representative of UMM," she said.

Orin again explained that there were obstacles he had experienced during the preparation and competition. One of them is a minor shoulder injury that he had suffered. But he is grateful his injury can recover quickly and fit again.

"Weather may also be an obstacle, yes. It often rains, and the location of the UMM board outside makes it quite difficult for me to practice. But thank God I can practice elsewhere with the full support of the campus," she said.

Orin hopes that the Pomprov gold medal achievement can give her parents pride. She has also started to organize her schedule to balance training and lectures. "Of course, I will not stop here. There are targets that I have set, and I hope to achieve them," he concluded. (cdr/haq/wil)



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