UMM Students Shout to Hijrah Against the Smoke

Author : Humas | Tuesday, October 13, 2015 16:27 WIB

The Islamic 1 Muharram 1437 new year, Wednesday (14/10), has become the momentum for some student activists of University of Muhammadyah Malang (UMM) to create alliance of solidarity movements in responding the smoke disaster suffered by Sumatera and Kalimantan.

This movement has been publicated through social media within hashtag of #MelawanAsap, and will be started from the congregation of Shubuh prayer (GJS) at AR Fachruddin mosque of UMM on Wednesday, October 14, 2015. The fundraising of donation for the victim of smoke disaster will also be held. Then, at noon, the fundraising of donation will be held on Jalan Veteran, Malang.

The Chief of Mosque Prosperity Board (BPM) of AR Fachruddin Mosque of UMM, Drs. H. Syamsurizal Yazid, MA, is pleased and positively welcome this movement of GJS. Met at his room, Tuesday (13/10), Syamsurizal said that this movement as what students alliance of UMM had done is based on the recommendation resulted from his meeting with the Association of Indonesian University Mosque (AMKI).

“We knew that another university had done this kind of movement earlier than us. I wish, this movement is not only done this time, but will routinely done once a month,” he said.

In line with that, the student President of UMM, Abdul Hafidz Ahmad which was met at consolidation event along with the students element also welcome this movement. He said that “This kind of movement are great to be done. Moreover, it can be synchronized along with the entire students element. UKM, HMJ, BEMFA, and all academicians are also hoped to be involved. Indonesian civilization can arise, starting from the mosque,” said Hafidz.

Besides UMM, at the same this, this GJS event is held on another big universities in Indonesia as follows: Salman Mosque-ITB, Nurul Huda Mosque-UNS, University Mosque of UNDIP, Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque-UI, al-Hurriyah Mosque-IPB, Manarul Ilmi Mosque-ITS, Darussalam Mosque-IAIN Palangkaraya, Raden Fatah Mosque-UB, al-Muhtadin Mosque-UNTAN, al-Wasii Mosque-UNILA, Darussalam Kopelma Mosque-UNSYIAH, Ulul Albab Mosque-UNNES, and many more.

Kamal Hafiz, the Chief of Students Spirituality (UKM-K) AR. Fachruddin UMM, said that this GSJ is the event to unite all elements to build Indonesia through university’s mosque. He also passionately said that “From the university mosque to the revival of Indonesia.”

This GJS movement is, added by Kamal, the movement initiated by Forum Silaturahmi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus Nasional (FSLDKN). “This movement, however, remains anonymous in UMM but this is a movement to build Indonesia,” as he stated. (can/han/t_rfd)


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