The Assembly Tarjih and Tajdid PWM East Java Held Coordination Meeting, Boosted Tarjih Regeneration

Author : Humas | Monday, February 03, 2020 13:32 WIB
Dr. Mohammad Nurhakim at the opening of the Tarjih and Tajdid Assembly Work Meeting (Photo: Special)

Muhammadiyah as a religious mass movement placed itself in a continuous process from time to time. Since established in 1912, the Muhammadiyah organization still existed with the various roles and contributions in the lives of the people.

"This long journey of more than a century will not take place without the historical awareness that the Muhammadiyah movement takes place because it is driven by true cadres from generation to generation," said Chairman of the Tarjih and Tajdid (MTT) East Regional Leadership Council (East Java PWM), Dr. Mohammad Nurhakim at the opening of the Tarjih and Tajdid Assembly Work Meeting, Saturday (1/2).

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Specifically, Nurhakim conveyed, in Muhammadiyah's organization, the regeneration of Tarjih Muhammadiyah Islam leader was not included in the structural hierarchy that was carried out specifically like the regeneration carried out on Muhammadiyah's autonomous organization. This left a problem for Muhammadiyah related to the lack of Muhammadiyah cadres who had concentration and capacity in terms of Trajih Muhammadiyah.

In the Tarjih and Tajdid Assembly, regeneration was not done from the bottom up early with a tiered pattern but prefer individuals who personally had the ability in the field of Tarjih, especially those who had the ability of religious sciences in the faculties of Islam and spread on private and state university.

"Activities undertaken are also more ad hoc and not sustainable so it is rarely found or appearing cadres who are reliable in this field, "explained Nurhakim.

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This reality became a particular concern in the Muhammadiyah environment which had to be immediately responded to prepare tarjih cadres who could be a reference and provided solutions to religious problems that continued to develop in the community, especially Muhammadiyah communities.

"On this basis, Majlis Tarjih and Tajdid East Java PWM held a deepening of the main points of Manhaj Tarjih as a follow up to the regeneration of Muhammadiyah that had been carried out previously," he said. (win)



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