Malik Fadjar: UMM AR Fachruddin Mosque Must Be Center for Building a Civilization

Author : Humas | Friday, May 19, 2017 17:59 WIB


Abdul Malik Fadjar (right) with UMM Rector, Fauzan.

MONTHS Ramadan should be the right moment to restore the role of the mosque as a center to build Islamic civilization. This was conveyed by Presidential Advisory Board (Watimpres) who was also the Board of Trustees Daily University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Prof. Drs. H. A. Malik Fadjar, M.Sc. In the preaching of Ramadan 1438 Hijriyah at Masjid AR. Fachruddin UMM, Friday (19/5).

"UMM through AR. Fachruddin Mosque must be able to present a reconciling and intellectual Islamic face. Ramadhan is the right moment to make it happen," said Malik in front of UMM academic community after Friday prayer.

Malik added, Building Masjid AR. Fachruddin was the result of long struggle of UMM to realize advanced Islam. "Establishment of AR. Fachruddin Mosque gives hope to the development of Indonesian people, especially Muslims," he said.

The Prophet started his da'wah through Mosque. It was marked by the construction of the Quba Mosque, the first mosque Rasulullah built in the journey of Hijrah from Mecca to Medina. Similarly, in the events of Isra 'and Mi'raj, the mosque also had an important position in Islam.

Although the construction of mosques in each region is high in these decades, unfortunately, the existing mosque does not necessarily bring peace. This was conveyed by Malik when recalling the dynamics of preaching mosque in Malang in the era of 60's, when the spiritual atmosphere was more dominant.

"Especially, since the moment of Pilkada. The mosque was placed for full of hate speech. On the contrary, the mosque must be restored to its basic function, as a center for building civilization, and can bring peace for jama'ah," he said.

In addition, before coming to the Ramadhan, Malik also appealed to the congregation to prepare everything. For Malik, the preparation was not just about physical readiness and other material preparations. "Before fasting, we are deep, especially spiritual, to catch the basic meaning of fasting, to build faith and piety," said Malik. (Can / han)



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