Ready for Third Admission? Be Checked

Author : Humas | Tuesday, August 25, 2015 14:44 WIB

The prestige of fresh-student quality input emerges as major consideration in University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) through the third student admission. The admission opened from 14th to 29th August will be particularly addressed for specific departments which have not yet met the passing-grade standard proposed by university.

            According to Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Bambang Widadgo, M.M, once UMM passed the first and second admission by decreasing the passing-grade standard, all quota in every department have been achieved. Nevertheless, due to the consideration upon input quality, university preferred passing limitation and opened the third admission.

            Numerous departments availably open in the third admission are: all departments in Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI), all departments in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), the department of Social Welfare (IKS) and the department of Sociology in Faculty of Social and Political Studies (FISIP), Faculty of Law (FH), the department of Economics and Business, Banking Diploma, and the department of Applied Accounting in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), the department of Mechanical Engineering, the department of Electrical Engineering, the department of Industrial Engineering, and the diploma of Electrical Engineering in Faculty of Engineering (FT), first option for Faculty of Psychology, all departments of Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (FPP), and all departments of Faculty of Health Science (Fikes).

            Therefore, all departments which will not be opened in the third admission for having met the passing grade are: the department of Communication Studies, the department of Governmental Science, the department of International Relationship, the department of Civil Engineering, the department of Information Technology, the department of Management, the department of Accountancy, and Faculty of Medical.

            Being standardized over passing grade, Bambang hoped all passed students in each department could improve their input quality that will implicatively affects the graduate quality for granted.

            “The core business of pedagogy is simple actually. The increase of input quality, academic or non-academic services will surely improves the high probability of output quality. It all becomes our responsibility to meet these demands,” informed him.

            Moreover, he assessed all these attempts could not be apart from the UMM enthusiasm in facing global labor market, especially in ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) by the end of this year. “Through these attempts, MEA will no longer be a problem. Instead, it becomes opportunity for UMM graduates to compete,” he ended. (han/t_stu)



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