Author : Humas | Monday, January 25, 2016 15:25 WIB
The participants of HPCRED program after signing MoU at the Ahmad Dahlan Hall of Islamic Hospital Aisyiah on Monday (25/1).

Disaster Management Center of Muhammadyah attempted to make Malang disaster resilient area. The initiation of the cooperation was held at Ahmad Dahlan Hall of Aisyiyah Islamic Hospital (RSIA) Malang last Monday.

The secretary of MDMC PP Muhammadyah, Arif Nur Kholis, expected that all elements in Malang can cooperate in disaster management through this event. Arif said that the name of MDMC was used as a brand due this board duty of not only managing disaster nationally. “We helped the disaster management in Nepal,” he asserted.

MDMC cooperated with Police Department in Malang (Malang City, Malang Regency and Batu City), Muhammadyah Regional Malang, Ministry of Health (Dinkes) of Malang, Board of Disaster Management (BPBD) Regional Malang, RSIA Malang, University of Muhammadyah Malang (UMM) and Fire Department (PMK) Regional Malang. Those institutions are the element of Hospital Preparedness and Community Readiness dor Emergency and Disaster (HPCRED).

The Head Chief of the Prevention and Eradication of Disease and Environmental Health of Ministry of Health Regional (Dinkes) Malang, dr. Husnul Muarif, stated in his opening speech that there are 57 trained resilient districts in Malang. “Our works become easier because they had disaster management training. In East Java, we started this program in Malang,” Husnul asserted.

Meanwhile, UMM can participate both internally and externally in the disaster management. By distributing the volunteers of medical or non medical from the students or lecturers as the internal participation. Public Relation of UMM can communicate with press officers to explain to the public as the external participation.

The program of Disaster Readiness which was initiated by MDMC is the follow up of the deal between the National Board for Disaster Management (BNBP) Indonesia with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia. In excecuting this program, there were three Muhammadyah hospitals which were appointed as the center of training device and coordination center are RSIA Malang, Muhammadyah Hospital Gresik andSiti Khadijah Hospital Makassar. (han/t_rfd)



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