Giving souvenir gift to the Sub Director of Academic Development Ministry of Religion of Republic of Indonesia, Dr Muhammad Zain MAg. |
Faculty of Islamic studies (FAI) University of Muhammadiyah Malang held a Doctoral Colloquium which presented 4 speakers to present their doctoral dissertation. This seminar was held in Theater Dome of UMM ON Thursday (22/12).
The first session was presented by Dr.Khozin M.Si which theme “New Paradigm of Islamic Education Curriculum Development (PAI) in school, Madrasah, and Colleges” and Dr. Abdul Haris MA who discussed about “ New Paradigm of Bald Book Learning”.
Second session was presented by Dr.Moh Nurhakim MAg who discussed about “New Orientation of Revivalist Islamic Movement after the Euphoria of Reform in Indonesia” and Dr.Pradana Boy ZTF MA whose theme was “Fatwa and Ideology in Indonesia: Study about Three Fatwa Institutions and Their Influence in Post-New Order Era”..
Head of Sub Directorate of Islamic Higher Education Academic Development of Islamic Minister of Religion Dr. Muhammad Zain M.Ag as a keynote speaker commented UMM had many authentic man and it was also a beautiful campus.
Zain said."I believe that UMM is able to bring the nation's cadres, cadres Muslims, and the bachelors to become authentic scholars,"
Zain continued that, UMM has given rise to great figures and outstanding educators such as Malik Fadjar, a former minister of education and culture and a minister of religion who gave renewal in the Ministry of religion and established colleges in some provinces in Indonesia.
Zain said,“The second is, Imam Prayogo who was a vice rector of academic field for UMM established a changeable university, which is State Islamic University of Malang that its development is very incredible. Recently, former rector of UMM, Muhadjir Effendy becomes the minister of education and culture of Republic of Indonesia”.
Meanwhile, Prof Dr Syamsul Arifin, MSi in his speech appreciated the implementation of these activities. This colloquium, for him, was one of the traditions developed by UMM to appreciate intellectual achievements obtained by UMM lecturers.
UMM has 56 study programs with 31.871 students, 611 lecturers, and 116 doctorates. Faculty of Islamic studies is one of faculties that has many doctors. Syamsul said, “From historical perspective, FAI, especially Islamic education with two other faculties is the forerunner to the establishment of UMM in 1964. So, FAI ia as old as UMM itself”.
Therefore, it was not surprised that people wondered about FAI UMM contribution to the intellectual development, especially in Islamic field and knowledge. Syamsul continued, “Rector said that it is not tangible artifact that will be displayed, instead of intangible things, such as the thoughts in form of books, journal, or other tangible works. Nowadays, UMM is doing strategic steps to get an acknowledgement nationally and internationally”.
Dean of Faculty of Islamic Studies of UMM Drs Faridi MSi explained that, this colloquium was held as a form of gratitude to God for His abundant gifts to FAI. This year, there were 4 new doctorates in FAI. Besides, this colloquium was a response of FAI UMM to some Indonesianese related to the condition in Indonesia after the death of two reformers of Islam, Nurcholis Madjid and Abdurrahman Wahid.
Faridi said,“Most of Indonesianese had looked away and no longer make Indonesia as the intellectual reference after the humanitarian tragedy of religion. Hopefully, this becomes as a response to the society, even though the scale of it is still small because the staffs in FAI UMM have shown to the world about their capacity that Indonesia will not lack of human resources after the death of Abdurrahman Wahid and Nurcholis Madjid”. (Can / han)