It is a pride for University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to be host for Debate of National Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MK RI) which was held in GKB IV UMM 8th Floor for three days (10-12/4). Dr. Haris Thofly, S.H., M.Hum as the Chief Executive of Debate MK RI, said, “Years ago, this debate competition was held in State universities. So, it is such a pride for UMM to hold this prestigious competition”.
UMM was the only private university that joined Debate Competition of People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia in East Java and won the first place. Haris said, “This is a chance for students to speak up their opinions about constitution through consumptive way”.
There were 160 universities registered to join this competition, while only 24 universities (state and private) passed the selection with 96 participants. There would be first, second, and thirs winner in this competition. The Big Eight would join National debate in West Java against the Big eight Teams in West Java and Central Java. Haris explained, “UMM does not only succeed in holding the event, but also in achievement. UMM Team will join the Big Eight event in West Java”.
One of the debaters from University of Surabaya (Ubaya), Michelle, said that she often joins debate competition. This time, she will debate with other debaters, Safira and Hudson. Michelle said, “Every team of each university is so good. The competition is so tight”. (lus)