1255 UMM graduates, today (20/5) was confirmed in the event of the 84th Graduation ceremony in UMM Dome. This graduation was the second period of four graduation period held by UMM in each year. Those were graduates of Diploma 3, Bachelor Strata 1 and Bachelor Strata 2.
Continuing from the previous tradition, UMM presented national figures in every graduation ceremony or other important events again. Minister of Communications and Informatics (Menkominfo), Rudiantara, gave an oration for one hour on the graduates along with invitations.
The presence of the Minister of Communication and Informatics as well as reviewing the related laboratory facilities owned by UMM, among them are the Communication Science Laboratory (Lab Ikom) in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) and the Laboratory of Informatics Engineering (IT Lab) at the Faculty of Engineering (FT). Overall, UMM has 42 laboratories consisting of 25 exact laboratories and 17 social laboratories.
As explained by Head of UMM's Ikom Lab, Jamroji, in this laboratory, not only superiority in terms of the availability of qualified communication technology tools, but also practice design for the students of Communication Science Study Program is different from the practice in general.
"If the other practice is limited to a simulation, we practice the real case and real clients outside campus. Students are deployed directly to the field to solve client problems with real activities as well," he explained. This concept was what he called the link and match.
"Hopefully, after the students graduate and plunge in the world of work, students no longer need adjustment and adaptation, because it has been supported by design of practice and the availability of good tools here," he said.
Meanwhile, many Malware Ransomware viruses, one of the efforts realized by UMM IT Lab was making cooperation with the international non-profit organization Indonesia Honeynet Project (IPH). "This laboratory through IPH developed a security resource called Honeypot that was deliberately created to be investigated, attacked, or compromised from hacking attempts by hackers of information systems," said UMM IT Lab Head Eko Budi Cahyono. (Can / han)