Until now, the interest in reading among Indonesian society, even students as one of the scientific community, decreased dramatically. Responding to that, Head of Study Program (Kaprodi) of Language Education and Indonesian Literature University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Dra Tuti Kusniarti MSi MPd, explained that, literate of literature movement was needed to be encouraged to bring literature closer to the community and students.
One of them was national seminar on literate of literature held by Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Education Faculty UMM collaborated with Indonesian Society of Doctoral Students Association (HSKI) Commissioner Malang on Tuesday (9/5) in UMM Auditorium.
For Tuti, reading closely related to the activity of literacy. "Literary readings are also very little demand now. This is a moment to revive the importance of literary literature especially in our students," explained Tuti.
According to Tuti, literary literature was a simply reading. But not only reading, but there needs to be an implementation of the reading as well. Reading literature should also read the meaning inside. With the theme "Building Character Nation Through Literacy Movement Literature", Tuti hoped, by reading the literature with the meaning, they could read humans and how to do for other human beings.
Attended by 350 participants from all over Indonesia, this national seminar would be divided into several parallel sessions in which each parallel session there were speakers who presented their writing. Besides the participants from all over Indonesia, among them 40 students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program also become speakers.
By training students in presentation and scientific writing, it could make students dare to issue ideas and his work. "After holding national seminar, it will be encouraged again scientific writing, one of them is Student Creativity Program (PKM)," she explained.
This national seminar also attended the expert staff of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof Dr Djoko Saryono MPd, chairman of HISKI, Prof. Dr. Suwardi Endraswara Mhum, and chairman of Indonesian Language Teaching and Activist Association for Foreign Speakers of East Java Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto Msi. (Jal / han)