MoU with Education and Couching (PPM) Management, UMM TAEP Users Become Wider

Author : Humas | Wednesday, May 10, 2017 12:14 WIB
Head of LC UMM Dr. Masduki MPd (near the monitor) presented about TAEP, an English test owned by UMM.


English proficiency test belongs to University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Test of Academic English Profession (TAEP),is highly considered by many parties . Recently, Language Center (LC) of UMM has just signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PPM Management of Jakarta.

MoU was represented by Head of Human Resource Assessment Division (SDM) PPM Management, Aditayani I Kukila M.Psi and Rector of UMM Fauzan, which took place at UMM Senate Meeting Room on Wednesday (10/5).

Kepala LC UMM, Dr Masduki MPd menyatakan, TAEP merupakan alat tes bahasa Inggris yang asli dimiliki UMM. Kesepakatan yang dijalankan oleh UMM dan PPM Manajemen ini merupakan kesepakatan di tahun kedua sejak tahun 2016 lalu. Tahun sebelumnya, sebanyak 13.800 yang tersebar di 10 kota se-Indonesia menggunakan tes tersebut untuk seleksi karyawan. “Tahun ini sebanyak 16.835 peserta yang tersebar 30 kota di Indonesia akan menggunakan tes ini sebagai pengukur kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya,” jelasnya.  

Head of LC UMM, Dr. Masduki MPd stated that TAEP is the English test tool that is originally owned by UMM. This is the second agreement run by UMM and PPM Management since 2016. Last year, 13.800 people in ten cities in Indonesia take this test for employee selection. “This year, 16.835 participants in 30 cities in Indonesia will take and use this test as a measure of their English ability”.

Masduki continued, TAEP accommodates the needs of society in general and especially Muhammadiyah for measuring English proficiency. One of the perks offered by UMM through TAEP is on listening skill. In TAEP, test takers are heard not from the original speakers.

According to Masduki, workers often do not interact directly with the original speakers. " 85 percent of employees do not interact with native speakers. So, we facilitate it on the listening ability. They would not hear from the original speakers and it proves that it is very helpful to employees in meeting the needs of work, "he explained at the signing of the memorandum of understanding. Besides, other advantages are in terms of affordable prices for all classes.

Until now, this TAEP test can be used by all academic communities of UMM who want to join exchange student, lecturers or staffs of UMM. One of these TAEP results can be used to qualify Erasmus + organized by the European Union. Not only that, TAEP test result is also accepted by many universities in China.

In the future, Masduki hopes that TAEP test can be used by all Indonesian people and even international. "In the near future, this product of UMM will be used by educational institutions of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia," he concluded. (Jal / han)



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