Spuring Lecturer Superior Work, UMM Holds Selection Outstanding Lecturer

Author : Humas | Monday, March 20, 2017 16:04 WIB

THE QUALITY of lecturers and academic innovation are highly needed for progress of the university. For University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), one of the ways is through the selection of outstanding lecturers. Under the auspices of the Academic Quality Control Board (BKMA) UMM, the selection is expected to complement the practice of University Tri Dharma.

The chairman of the selection, Asrini Dr day Windu, M.Si explained that, the selection of outstanding lecturers was one way to bring out the best UMM lecturers work in various fields. From the works that have been produced, BKMA re-filter the best one. "The works are split into two, and the latest findings of research lecturers," said Rini.

There were some assessments established to measure whether it was good or not. These research have been approved by outsiders and stakeholder. Not only that, in terms of community service, and practice of University Tri Dharma, the lecturer has also been recognized. Rini continued, dedication, research and teaching assessed were done within the last 3 years. "If it entries to the international sphere, then that is a point plus for the lecturer," she said.

Previously, filtering prior to the presentation was done. BKMA lookd at the track record of the lecturers in each faculty. "Our initial data downloaded from the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) and Office of Intellectual Property Rights (HKI)," she continued. Then,the ones who included in the criteria will be invited to attend a presentation.

Not only featuring the superior works, outstanding lecturers also would be tested in personality and in Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) which became one of the test materials tested.

A total of 20 lecturers from 10 faculties competed for the best first lecturer awarded, second and third. Furthermore, the one who was selected would be sent to compete at the province level and then at the national level, said Rini (Jal / han)



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