UMM Postgraduate Trains Teachers to Write Scientific Writings

Author : Humas | Thursday, August 31, 2017 13:42 WIB
For all this time, school teachers only used to make a report as an evaluation of teaching and learning activities. Whereas, according to Professor of Mathematics Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Prof. Dr. Yus Mochamad Cholily Msi, while teaching and learning activities in the classroom, many findings which they could get and be made a research, such as Classroom Action Research (PTK).
This what makes Master of Mathematics Education and Indonesian Education of UMM were initiative to train and assist teachers of State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) 2 and State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN) Probolinggo City in order to be able to write scientific papers.
"This short-term goal, teachers are expected to make scientific work that can be made proceedings. Meanwhile, the long-term goal, teachers can make a good contribution by writing for national and international journals," said Yus.
The program conducted by two study programs at UMM Postgraduate is a follow up of the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemenag).
Together with the team, the head of Indonesian Master of Indonesian Education, Dr.Ribut Wahyu Eriyanti MSi MPd, gave a media to the teachers from both schools to expose the findings in the class which then conducted the research. One of the taught in this training is the study of model of PTK proposal in groups.
Previously, two activities had been run by Master of Mathematics Education and Master of Indonesian Education. They were K13 training for MAN 2 Probolinggo City teachers which held in Batu city and training to make solar cell media as a learning media for MAN 2 and MTsN teachers of Probolinggo City which was held on last July. Not only with schools in Probolinggo, various trainings had also been carried out to teachers in some schools in Trenggalek and Banyuwangi. "Sometimes from UMM who visit the school, not infrequently they are the ones who are studying at UMM. Please, we are
very open to share knowledge," added Yus.
As the head of Master of Mathematics Education, Yus revealed that he imposed a writing obligation to his students. One of them through the subjects of Scientific Publications. " Master of Mathematics Education students are required to write scientific writing to be entered as a journal. Hopefully, those writings can be useful for the community. This is part of UMM's academic responsibility to the community," he said.
In addition to the obligation to write scientific writing, Yus revealed that Master of Mathematics Education program also routinely held national and international seminars. The last is the International Seminar on Mathematics Education held in early August. This new school year, Master of Mathematics Education program received 21 new students. (ard)


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