Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership Invites Muhammadiyah Merchants to Have Business Dialog

Author : Humas | Saturday, July 28, 2018 16:15 WIB

One of the most important aspects in life is business. Nowadays, the business competition is so tight. Seeing this, Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PDM) of Malang provides a business dialog by inviting Muhammadiyah entrepreneurs on Saturday (28/7) at BAU Hall University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

This business dialog discussed about business development. The main speaker, Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ashar, SE. MA., a professor of Faculty of Business from Brawijaya University (UB), revealed that 85% of Indonesians are Moslem. 14% of them are entrepreneurs. Khusnul said, “We live in digital era. Technology makes business easier to run. Entrepreneurs can run their business by online, no need to meet customers face to face”.

Furthermore, Muhammadiyah is welcome positively by society. Brand image Muhammadiyah for education and health encourages Muhammadiyah merchants to be brave enough to develop their businesses.

The Chairman of Economic and Entrepreneurship of Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PWM) of East Java, Dr. Ec. Indra N. Fauzi, MM sees business opportunities by using internet.

Indra said, “I saw young people dislike reading. They tend to read only the title, not the content”. He continued to tell his experience meeting a young guy who is 20 years younger than him who now becomes an entrepreneur.

Khusnul truly understands that the youths dislike reading because of the effect of technology. Technology makes everything much easier and the youths like something in instant. Khusnul said, “That is why online business is profitable”.

At the end of the dialog, PDM of Malang gave a chance to the costumers of Jawa Timur Bank and National Bank of Indonesia (BNI) to share their stories. Jawa Timur Bank also introduced new application which is called “Bejomu” that can make customers easier to do all bank transactions, especially in supporting trade traffic. (lus)



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