SMILE: Vice Governor of East Java, H Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul), was accompanied by UMM Rector, Fauzan, in inauguration of APTISI Board at UMM Auditorium on Monday (24/7). (Captured by: Rino Anugrawan) |
TO CONTINUE social services for the existence of private universities (PTS), Association of Indonesian Private Universities (APTISI) Region VII East Java held an inauguration of Regional Executive, Committee and APTISI Halal Bihalal Region VII East Java at University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on July 24, 2017. The ones who attended the ceremony were UMM Rector, Chairman of Center APTISI, Budi Djatmiko, Head of APTISI Region VII East Java, Coordinator Kopertis Region VII East Java, and Vice Governor of East Java, Syaifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul).
Chairman of APTISI Region VII East Java, Suko Wiyono, conveyed that, the existence of PTS today is not inferior to the state universities (PTN). Even in almost all regions, quality improvement and PTS quality are clearly visible. Through better cooperation of APTISI, Suko was truly sure that PTS gradually able to compete and become better than PTN. "This is the task of the board, how we can improve the quality of private universities, especially the quality of human resources," he said.
Suko added that, Chairman of Central APTISI, Budi Djatmiko, told that it was important for commisariats in APTISI Region VII East Java to cooperate with the local government. This can be done in many ways, one of them by conveying about PTS information and global problems that are faced to local leaders, especially in education. "So, if there is PTS information in the future as well as global issues, it can be conveyed to the rector and forwarded to the governor," he explained.
Suko gave some PTS in the West Java area as the examples. Based on his observations, through the assessment conducted on every semester, almost all PTS in West Java have allocation of problem solving to be completed with coordinator Kopertis and the governor. Not only West Java, some other areas are also doing the same thing. Suko also aspired to private universities in East Java to have the same spirit as well. "Alhamdulillah, PTS in West Java was already clean up. Yesterday, it was happened in Lampung also. Hopefully, this can also be achieved by APTISI East Java," he said.
Suko completed that, the Coordinator of Kopertis Region VII East Java, Suprapto, stressed the need to strengthen cooperation especially in improving the quality of education. During this time, Kopertis Region VII East Java always be number I nationally. This achievement should be maintained and celebrated. "Let's establish the quality of education in East Java to always and always be good nationally," he said.
Proud of the achievements achieved by universities in East Java, Gus Ipul appreciated the increasing number of PT graduates absorbed by labor market. In 2014, there were 14 percent of PT graduation in Indonesia was absorbed in the world of work. This number was increased in 2016 which was 40 percent for the total. "The pride is actually, in 2016, PT graduates of East Java, which were absorbed the labor market reached 80 percent. Our target in the future, 99 percent of PT graduates can be absorbed by the labor market," he added.
Gus Ipul asserted with a total around 550,000 students, university needs to be prepared in welcoming the digitalization era. In this era, people need a generation who understands technology well. The PT should introduce technology to the students so that the students can adjust to the situation. "I leave to you, brothers and sisters of the future of East Java by presenting a qualified PT," his message.
At the end, Gus Ipul conveyed that APTISI strategic position is a forum for private universities to learn and share ideas. In improving the quality, actually among PTS does not need to compete students. The good quality, will make students interested by itself. This is then become public relations in order to PTS able to improvise in managing the campus. "If PTS must be good at martial arts, it means clever in improving quality, make money and others. I am proud and happy, because full of competition in this era is not an easy thing," he concluded. (ard)