The author of Menggusur Ego, Niam Muiz revealed the secret of controlling the ego

Author : Humas | Wednesday, January 23, 2019 14:58 WIB
Niam Muiz (gray jacket) with his book, Menggusur Ego. (Photo: Aan / PR)

Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Malang held a book review at Gedung Kuliah Bersama IV of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Tuesday (01/22). This event reviewed the fourth book of successful business people and consultants, Niam Muiz.

In his book, Niam explained the meaning of ego. "Ego is like a fire which if managed properly will be an awesome power, spreading love, pursuing achievements and becoming spiritual energy, "he explained.

"But if it is not managed properly, the ego becomes dwarfed, wild and ground down burn yourself and the environment," he said. After graduated from his college in 1985, Niam Muiz successfully collaborated with a foreign company.

He went back and forth in the five largest foreign consulting companies in the world. As an HR consultant, he had got the pinnacle of his career journey such as a luxury house, the latest BMW series car in its time, high office with 12,000 men.

His book, “Menggusur Ego ", was criticized by Muhammad Salis Yuniardi, S.Psi. M.Psi., PhD as Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, UMM, because it was considered not to discuss the definition of the ego so that made the reader confused.

Niam Muiz confirmed that the book was not an academic book. But this book was tailored to market demand. This book was based his experience with ego for years. So, Niam Muiz had its own ego definition.

"Ego is a 'spotlight' that beautifies the stage. This stage is a parable about what is valuable for us. For example, beauty is a valuable thing for us, "he said.

So, continued Niam, the 'spotlights' were skincare, makeup, nutritious food, and exercise to make our beauty stage good to see. Thus, we just had to make each 'spotlight'.

Ego needs to be controlled. What we need and don't make is 'spotlights'. For Niam, if you want to be beautiful, what you do is just eat nutritious foods and exercise regularly. No need to buy expensive skin care and makeup.

"We need to configure the ego to recognize ourselves," said Niam. He gave the example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW when alone in the cave of Tsur to cave of Hira to recognize his ego and measure distance with God.

Then, the Prophet Muhammad SAW was told by the Angel Gabriel who he really was, namely an Apostle of Allah. Niam Muiz continued, after that the 'spotlight' of the Prophet Muhammad collapsed, changing unpretentious love to Allah SWT.

Niam Muiz said that we had been given the example of the most perfect human who was ever born on Earth, so we must imitate him. According to Niam, the human struggle was only to configure his ego.

All human enemies were the same, continued Niam, it was the ego. "Actually, humans are all the same, only our ego feels that we are better than others, which makes us different," said Niam.

Niam closed with the expression that everyone must always be prejudiced towards Allah SWT. That Allah is Rich, then humans did not need to worry about sustenance. All people need to do was fight.

An ego that too high sometimes measured God's love for us. So we were always worried and anxious. "If we remain steadfast in what we strive for and always remember God in our every step," he said. (Win)



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