Getting Deeper to Islamic Knowledge, PUSAM UMM Holds Heritage Seminar

Author : Humas | Wednesday, February 07, 2018 10:11 WIB
UMM S3 student, Robert Pope, was giving an introduction in The Heritage Seminar
As a muslim, we are required to understand Islam as a whole. It is intended to not only originally apply Islamic Shari'a, but also understand  what is done.
Therefore, on Wednesday (7/2) Center for the Study of Religion and Multiculturalism (PUSAM) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held The Heritage Seminar entitled "The Origins of Islam & the Context of Qur'an" in Senate Room of UMM.
In this seminar, PUSAM UMM discussed the Qur'an in its historical context, analyzing the thoughts of the Revisionists and the theory of Hermeneutics and its application in the Qur'an.
Three experts attended as speakers, namely S3 Islamic Religious Education UMM and Equal Access International director, Robert Pope, a lecturer from Notre Dame University, USA, Prof. Mun'im Sirry and Biblical lecturer at Seminary Al Kitab Southeast Asia, Malang, Ferry Y. Mamahit.
In the introduction of seminar, Robert Pope reviewed his dissertation entitled "Rediscovering Inclusive Islam: a Narrative Research on Usman Ibrahim". He said that in fact, every religion is like boxes that have their own rules and beliefs. However, the unique boxes are interconnected with each other.
"Some say in the time of Prophet Muhammad, Islam is applied very exclusively but it's not," said this Australian student.
On the other hand, Prof. Mun'im Sirry explained the Qur'an in its historical context. According to him, Muslims must realize that at first, the Islamic religion experienced a very long process till today. This is what he calls "Humanizing Humanity".
"Not only Islam, all religions formed into a religious institution is also far after its founding fathers died," he said.
At the end, the third speaker Ferry Y. Mamahit described the text in the scriptures. According to him in general, the text serves as a document or writing in which it can preserve a message. In the text itself, there are concepts, ideas, ideologies, theology, and information be it historical, cultural, and social information.
"Although it is said to be only a document, it is sacred because in the abrahamic religious tradition (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) this text comes from God or Yahve in Hebrew," Ferry concluded. (ard)


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