The Chairman of RI Supreme Criminal Court, Dr. Artidjo Alkostar, during Seminar on Optimizing the Role of Judges in Countering Corruption in Campus I UMM. |
A University, as a place of intellectual nursery, can take an important role in the upholding of justice and truth, especially in limiting the space for movement of corruption actors, oligarchs and human rights violators.
According to the Chairman of RI Supreme Court, Dr. Artidjo Alkostar, how hapless this country is, if law enforcement and society, whether it is a university, non-governmental organizations (LSM), community organizations (CSO), or the press had been lost from corruptors and human rights violators.
"Many things can be done to uphold justice, whether it is regulation, advocacy, litigation and adjudication," explained Artidjo on Seminar Optimalization of the Role of Judges in Countering Corruption Crime conducted by Semi Autonomous Institute (LSO) Judicial Watch Faculty of Law (FH) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) at UMM Meeting Room of Campus I (29/4).
In this context, he continued, A university could play the role of community service through litigation, either human rights, the defense of smallholder ownership, defense of abuse of authority or political power, and the ones which were related to.
Litigation, Artidjo explained, is a legal effort and process to obtain the rights that have been determined in the legislative instrument through the judicial process, for the guarantee of human rights which have been determined by the legislation and for the sake of a fairer social relation.
For Artidjo, the weapons of the lover of justice and anti-corruption, including the college, was moral truth, the consistency and persistence of the attitude against all forms of injustice. Human rights abusers and corruptor and potential corruptors are very afraid of the light of the truth of transparency, public condemnation and strict legal sanctions. (Dis / han)