Commemoration of Teacher's Day, Hundreds of UMM Students Sing Hymne Guru

Author : Humas | Friday, November 25, 2016 15:39 WIB

UMM faculty and students are singing the Hymne Guru in GKB I.

ATMOSPHERE of emotion throughout the Gedung Kuliah Bersama (GKB) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Friday (25/11) morning because hundreds of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FKIP) sing Hymne Guru together for commemorate National Teacher Day. Hundreds of students fulfilled the entire veranda six floors building.

"We give a touch to all aspects of society that are so important role of teachers to improve the quality of this nation. Without a teacher I am sure no one is smart. No one can be a great leader if there is no great teacher. So we should create the great teachers, "said Dean of the Faculty of Education (FKIP) UMM, Dr. Poncojari Wahyono Kes, when meeting after the ceremony.

Besides creating academicians, described Poncojari, FKIP UMM is also given the opportunity to create professional teacher. One of the efforts made through the Education and Training Professional Teachers (PLPG) is held by the Teacher Certification Program (PSG) at UMM as Rayon 144.

"In addition, we also establish cooperation with various schools to conduct training on improving quality, not only through professional education," he explained.

In Indonesia, there are only 15 colleges which have the authority to conduct the certification program. The Dean of the Faculty of Education (FKIP) UMM, Dr. Poncojari Wahyono Kes, explained that UMM is the only private university (PTS), which is believed to hold PLPG by Kemendikbud.

Moreover, those 14 colleges are Syah Kuala University, State University of Medan, Padang State University, State University of Jakarta, University of Pendidikan Indonesia , State University of Yogyakarta, Semarang State University, University of Sebelas Maret, Surabaya State University, State University of Malang, Jember University, University of Pendidikan Ganesha , Cendrawasih University, and the State University of Makassar.

Vice Rector, Prof Dr Syamsul Arifin, MSi, also gave a speech. "I could see the horizon of the world, because I can stand on the shoulders of giants. And the shoulders of giants that's our teachers. We present here, but in the future, you will become teachers. Being a teacher is as a calling, as a conscience, there is no compulsion. On top of the shoulders, we stand our students to see the world, "said Syamsul. (Can / han)



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