To Celeberate the World Social Work Day, UMM Social Welfare Department Holds Rally

Author : Humas | Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:57 WIB
The signing on the student banners of Social Welfare department as support to the Commission VIII of the House of Representatives in creating draft bill of practice of social work in the community.

INDONESIA is one of the countries which is still unfamiliar with the term social worker. It has impacted on unprofessional practice of social work in Indonesia. Responding to that, Department of Social Welfare (Kesos) Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP) held an rally as commemoration of World Social Work Day  on March 15.

UMM Social Welfare department Chairman Oman Sukmana M. Si explained that social workers in Indonesia are still oftenly equated with volunteer or Community Social Worker (PSM) which has not received formal education about social welfare. It caused many social problems that should be handled by professionals, but unfortunately handled by volunteers. "If it continues like that, then there  will be the slow handling of the social problems in the community," said Oman during the rally at UMM (15/3).

Actually there are a few things that need to be passed to become a social worker, Oman added. Among these are social workers should get a formal education, following the organization of professions, learning of code of ethics and having a license and practice. "All that is currently being formulated by the House of Representatives Commission VIII on social work practice," he explained.

Through government’s support toward bill of social workers in Indonesian, so the state’s responsibility to ensure the availability of social welfare services for its citizens will running well. According to Oman, the country's commitment in realizing the social welfare started by involving professional workforce. Professional social workers are the main pillars in implementing welfare in Indonesia.

Until now, formal education in Indonesia on social welfare had already started to appear. At least There were 33 Higher Educations (PT), including 4 PT of master and there were 3 PT that had already organized  a doctoral program that run formal education for bachelor degree (S1), Oman Added.

In that rally also  enclosed with banners that signed by all students of Social Welfare department. The aim as a form of support to the Commission VIII of the House of Representatives in creating draft bill concern to the practice of social work in the community. "If  the draft bill had been enacted, the social worker will get its right according to the rule," Oman said. (Naz)



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