Golf cart in operation at UMM (Photo: Syifa/humas) |
To facilitate the mobility of the academic community, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) provides an electric-powered golf cart as a means of public transportation. This facility can be enjoyed by students, employees, lecturers, and even guests since last Tuesday (16/11). What cannot separate this procurement from the existence of various faculties and laboratories owned by UMM.
However, this transportation can only be enjoyed at the three UMM campuses located at Jalan Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang. Head of Transportation and Vehicle Affairs UMM Karianto said that this golf cart made it easier for academics to get to their destination more quickly and efficiently.
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Furthermore, he said that he is limiting the number of golf carts per session for now. His team only launched three units per session to use the cars interchangeably. In addition, there are problems or running out of battery.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Bureau of Finance, Personnel, and General Administration (BKKU), Dr. Ahmad Juanda, Ak., M.M., C.A., said that initially, the purchase of this car was intended for VIP guests and lecturers' groups at graduation. But now, its function is added as public transportation that connects one point to another point on the UMM White Campus.
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In addition, as he is familiarly called, Juanda said that the use of golf carts as public transportation helps welcome the New and Renewable Energy (EBT) era. He hopes that the campus area will be more environmentally friendly by reducing pollution on campus. This is in line with the vision and mission of the UMM campus, namely a green and clean campus.
"We hope that the public, especially the UMM community, are more familiar with electric transportation. In addition, we hope that in the future, UMM students will be able to design and create cars using EBT like this golf cart," he concluded at the end of the interview. (apg/syi/wil)