Head Of Mandiri Bank Malang Area handed souvenir to UMM Mawa Bureau Head, accompanied by the speakers and the Mandiri Bank’s staffs. |
IN order to prepare students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to get ready to become self creative young entrepreneurs, the Student and Alumni Career Development Division (PKMA)Bureau of Student Affair UMM so intensivly conducted seminars and workshops in entrepreneurship sector. One of them, through self entrepreneurship talkshow presented the number of experienced entrepreneurs.
Number of speakers were presented on the agenda where took place at UMM Hall 2nd Campus (19/12) namely the owner of De Tanjung and De Labu Dewi Tanjung, the inventor of turtle egg incubator known as maticgator at once as the owner of CV Ulumul Bahri Paundra Noorbaskoro, the Regional Business Development Mandiri Bank East Java Iswandi, Head of Mandiri Bank Malang Area Theresia Pratiwi Hastari and The Head of Student Bureau UMM Abdullah Masmuh.
The agenda as an result of cooperation between PKMA Mawa UMM and Bank Mandiri was attended by 300 students who has an interest to be self entrepreneur. "The talk show is conducted by UMM to open the information access for students to Mandiri Bank Self Entrepreneurship program. Hopefully by that information and listening immediately to Dwi and Paundras’ story as young inspiring entrepreneurs can inspire UMM student to boost their self become an young entrepreneur, " The head of PKMA UMM Dr. Fien Zulfikariyati MM explained.
Dewi Tanjung, a woman born in Mondoroko Singosari became phenomenal when winning self young entrepreneurs (WMM) in 2010. The story of his life became inspiring story due to his tenacities and creativities. As an orphans whose mothers only as a laundry worker could sent Dewi to college was become the strongest motivation to make her mother proud of her.
"Dream big and achieve it confidently," Dewi shouted out to the audience. The uniqueness of Dewi’s business not merely to "juggle" waste and a potential local become a handicraft in international level. However, he was also not stingy to share skills and opportunities with the local residents. Now the business was able to employ more than 56 employee which mostly women workers sorrounding his house.
"It started with 50 thousands rupiah, now through WMM I've been able (to go:red) to some countries for business interest and meet great people who gave me knowledges and inspirations. In ordet to build and expand a business, we must have lot of networks. My experience shows 5 good friends around you will make you get up and succees, "He explained while shared experiences and tips.
Meanwhile Paundra Noorbaskoro, the winner of WMM 2015 began his story by telling the condition of sea turtles in the waters of Trenggalek and his homeland, Pacitan. His concern regarding to fate of endangered turtles, supported by his knowledge in the field of Fisheries and Maritime, This UB alumni made turtle egg incubator called Magicgator.
"Magicgator is the only sea turtle egg incubator, in which through the machine we design and we could choose the baby turtles’s gender that hatched later," He explained. Apparently choosing the turtle’s sex are important. Global warming makes the temperature increasing and naturally makes the turtle egg mostly hatch a female. In fact, female turtles requires six males, "He explained further. The imbalance of male and female turtles is one of the factors for decreasing number of turtle populations.
The two success stories of WMM winner have the similarities in personal character. They care about the environment, self-confidence, willingness to collaborate, and have the vision to build a community. Both Dewi Tanjung or Paundra finally educate the public, mingle and assist residents to form a community that cares about the continuation of natural environment and social environment.
"The winner of WMM’s Criteria beside we see the health of their business, the most important is the character of its participants. Suitable with the WMM’ spirit , young, innovative, caring, " Iswandi said. Furthermore, the WMM program has been held since 2007, Iswandi described five categories of business regarding to 2016 WMM includes Trade Industry Entrepreneurship and services, Boga Entrepreneurship, Creative Entrepreneurship, Technology Entrepreneurship, and Social Entrepreneurship.
"WMM not only provide the capital in the form of grants to the winners, but also giving the aid financing and also to open the access in getting the extensive network, providing guidance and assistance, also the capital for training and promoting at profesional events up to international level," Iswandi said furthermore.
Boosting the spirit of students and alumni’s entrepreneurship, PKMA UMM has some interesting programs. In addition several times invited the successful young entrepreneurs, either UMM’s alumni or not, PKMA routinely had organized the exhibitions students and alumni business each semester. (* / Han)