Agribusiness Department Maintained their A Accreditation

Author : Humas | Monday, December 31, 2018 10:15 WIB

One of the students of the Agribusiness Department at the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang got income of up to 78 million every period of the packaging for Super Noni Power herbal medicine. (Photo: PR)

After the English Language Education Department which received accreditation A, now it is the turn of the UMM Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department (FPP). On December 19, the Agribusiness Department maintained accreditation from BAN-PT.

Livia Windiana, SP M.Agr, the Secretary of the Agribusiness Department explained that the accreditation process through his department was calculated quickly and brilliantly. On December 17, an assessment was made, on December 19 the results were received.

This cannot be separated from the agility of the Agribusiness Department revise of every evaluation given by the Assessor team. "We are responsive and we fix it right away. This is probably one of the plus points, "Livia said when contacted on Monday (31/12).

In addition, preparations made by the Agribusiness Department are considered mature. "When the Assessor assesses, all the data and attachments were complete. There were several aspects that have been repeatedly praised by the Assessor team, "explained Livia.

One of them is the lecturer who conducted many types of researches. "Our lecturers have a lot of research, both internal and external. This is what often gets praise, "said Livia repeating the assessor's praise.

In addition, entrepreneurial activities also became more points. Some student businesses were in Herb, Bajak chilli sauce and Seblak. Everything was managed independently under the guidance of the developer lecturers.

Agribusiness Department since September 2018 was trusted to manage business land. On October 9, the land was named Agricorner. "We sell agricultural products from agrotechnologies such as organic vegetables and others," he explained.

On another occasion, UMM Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc., said that the White Campus had indeed prepared strategic steps in the field that became an aspect of assessment to improve its institutional quality.

"The strategies include strengthening Human Resources. Both the education level is a maximum doctoral lecturer qualification, up to the level of Professor. Another step is that we continue to develop institutional quality, "he explained.

Still in the aspect of institutional quality, continued Syamsul, several UMM Department have obtained A accreditation and also accelerated the process of a number of Department that still have not received Accreditation (A).

Besides that, his party will also develop Departments that were recognized by international accreditation institutions. UMM itself said Syamsul had 3 Departments that had been recognized by Asean University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN QA).

“That is Management Department, Biology Education and Animal Husbandry,” Syamsul said.

The performance of research and publications was in the spotlight. Syamsul claimed to have a special development and development scheme so that lecturers could publish their articles in reputable international journals.

"No less important, student achievement is also a benchmark that should not be left behind. " All Of that (strategies), we have the modalities to continue to develop to a better level," he said. (Win)



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