UMM Engineer Profession Education Study Program Is Ready to Welcome New Student 2018/2019

Author : Humas | Wednesday, July 18, 2018 15:21 WIB
UMM Forestry Students were conducting practice in protected forests in Bromo Tengger Semeru area

Printing professional workforce recognized on a national and international scale is the objective of Professional Engineers Education Study Program (PSPPI) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Welcoming the new students of the academic year 2018/2019, PSPPI UMM is preparing various items, such as the availability of professional teachers, teaching curriculum to lecture support facilities.

Tatag Muttaqin, S.Hut., MSc., IPM, one of the PSPPI staff and lecturers said that, at the admission of new students this year, he is ready to accept new students. "If there are students who want to register to PSPPI this year, we will be ready to accept," he explained on Wednesday (18/7).

To register as a student of this program, Tatag told there are several requirements that must be fulfilled. One of them is every prospective student of PSPPi must have been working at least one year.

"For example, the fresh graduate students cannot directly register for the profession program engineers," he added.

After completing two semesters, the graduates of PSPPI will get professional certificate such as National Registered Engineer (NRE), Asean Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE), Registered Foreign Professional Engineer (RFPE) or Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Engineer (APECEng). Those various certificates will support the career of PSPPI UMM alumni.

"A professionals who have those certificates are needed by companies with national and international levels," Tatag said.

Previously, in January, three lecturers from the Forestry Program of UMM were confirmed to be the Professional Engineer of Madya (IPM) and the Professional Engineer (IPU) by Dr. Ir. A. Hermanto Dardak MSc., IPU, as the Chairman of the Central Board of Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). Together with 14 other State Universities, UMM cooperated with the Forest Engineering Vocational Authority (BKTHut) as one of 19 vocational agencies under the Indonesian Engineers Union (PII).

By this inauguration, the three UMM lecturers, namely Ir. Joko Triwanto, MP., IPU, Dr. Ir. Nugroho Tri Waskito, MP., IPM, and Tatag Muttaqin, S.Hut., MSc., IPM, are ready to guard PSPPI at UMM. (ard)



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