UMM Researchers PSIF, Haeri Fadly, were speaking at a discussion forum literacy movement Muhammadiyah. |
The rapid spread of information through social media and online media requires us to digest information more wisely and critically. As a group of digital natives (digital native), young people are expected to be the main actors driving the two mediums through critical literacy.
Islamic Studies Center and Philosophy (PSIF) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) with Islamic Network of Young Muhammadiyiah (JIMM) held discussions literacy movement Muhammadiyah, Saturday (10/12) in the Senate Meeting Room of UMM. UMM PSIF head, Dr Pradana Boy MA, stated that, this discussion was an attempt to revive an intellectual tradition, particularly among young people.
According Pradana, building intellectual tradition was not easy. It needed serious methods. In this way, PSIF wanted to introduce to the public that UMM enriched intellectual through discussion forums. "Discussions literacy is a tradition that we build massively and consistently. If a small movement done consistently then the movement will have a great impact for the community, "said the doctorate winner from the Natonal University Singapore (NUS).
To make this tradition grew stronger, in 2017, PSIF would hold a call for papers for the young to write and talk about thoughts of current issues. Pradana expected most of the speakers who spoke was a young child. "In addition, we also will present expert speakers related to theme. The experts presented may be from UMM internal or external experts, "said Pradana.
PSIF, continued Pradana, accidentally reproducd talkshow about young people so that regeneration occured for UMM, the more for the nation. Pradana viewed, in every seminar that you saw at first was the speaker, if the speaker was not famous the audience might be a little. "If speakers at every seminar are older generation, when the Indonesia youth will grow and have more expertise," he explained further.
According to Pradana, by giving a platform for the youth to the speaker, then indirectly will raise its intellectual potential. Pradana also said that, the youth should be current for the community. That was the booster not just entertainers. "If youth only was a froth, then the function is only visible on the surface and not good for the society," said the lecturer attended a master's in Anustralian National University (ANU).
Discussion of literacy was divided into two sessions. The first session was the surgical book "The Clash of Ideology Muhammadiyah" by a writer, Solihul Huda, and a researcher of PSIF UMM, Haeri Fadly. In the second session was continued with discussion entitled "Muhammadiyah and Literacy in the Age of Social Media" by research director Center for the Study of Religion and Multiculturalism (PUSAM) UMM Nafi'Muthohirin, founder of the Reading Group for Social Transformation (RGST), Hasnan Bahctiar, and UMM PR staff, Subhan Setowara,. (Jal / han)