Islamic Studies and Philosophy Center (PSIF) Reflects on Arabian Political Dynamics

Author : Humas | Monday, December 18, 2017 16:50 WIB
Prof.Dr. Dhzulkifl Zaman Kan giving material and discussing about Political Dynamics outside Arab and the implications for Moslems in Indonesia

Regarding to conflicts that occurred in Arab in 2017, Islamic Studies and Philosophy Center (PSIF) University of Muhammadiyah Malang held Reflection the End of the Year entitled “Pilitical Dynamics in Arab and Its Implication for Islam in Indonesia” on Monday (18/12) in AR Fachruddin Hall of UMM.

This reflection activity presented some experts, such as a Moslem Intellectual from Singapore, Prof. Dr. Dhulkifli Zaman Khan, political and Islamic expert of the Middle West, Dr.Ibnu Burdah MA, and senior journalist of Jawa Pos, Rohman Budijanto

Head of PSIF UMM Dr. Pradana Boy MA hopes that this event can build a network of peaceful literacy involving public intellectuals, religious leaders, writers and influencers, and young Moslem activists with a vision about peace.

Moreover, the conflicts occurred become worst because of a statement of the President of America, Donald Trump who intended to move the capital city of Israel to Jerusalem. This makes a burden in the middle of conflicts in 2017. The conflicts occurred in this 2017 are Syrian war, Taliban attack in Afghanistan, ISIS in Iraq, conflict in Yemen, civil war in Libya, conflict between  India and Pakistan, and many more. That is why it is important for Moslems in Indonesia to have full understanding about political dynamics in Moslem countries and the implications for this nation.

Pradana who is also the World Peace Religion Ambassador in King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) said that “As a country with the biggest Moslem population in the world, we need to understand what are the implications for us and what can we do to make a world peace”. He said that it is a must for all to narrate Islamic peace in the life of nations and in the world. The world should not be full of hate.

Pradana who got his doctorate degree from the National University of Singapore, said"Moreover, actually Islam Indonesi has a great opportunity to become an example for the world in building a peaceful Moslem community and harmony,"

Meanwhile Prof. Dr. Dhulkifl Zaman Khan advised that people do not concern Islam with the violence occurred, especially related to the case of Israel and Palestine. Indonesian Moslems should know the full history of what is going on behind Arab world politics, including both countries.

He said "So, we must know the background, because this is all mixed up. This is not a matter of religion, but it's about the economy. We must be intellect, "

According to Dhulkifl, the issue between Israel and Palestine has been rolling since 70 years ago. Various interests broke out there. As a country with a large Moslem population, Indonesia should vote and also start sorting out what is good and what is not for the country. "I always tell our officials to not just sit and silent. If we are just silent, it is not them who will die but us”. If Indonesia is only silent, the wars keep going on and will affect Rupiah exchange rate. If this happens continuously, economic shocks will occur in Indonesia. He said, "It is impossible for Indonesia to not interfere the peace there. We must to talk to Israel”.

Furthermore, Rohman Budijanto conveyed that Indonesia has to care about the conflicts in Arab because Islam was from there. That is why there is a bond between Indonesian Moslems and those countries. He said, “We have to take care about those countries because there are many holy inheritances that must be preserved by holy and elegant ways”. (lus)



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