Cultivating Diversity, UMM Dedicated Service in Multicultural Areas

Author : Humas | Saturday, June 02, 2018 14:49 WIB
The distribution of groceries at the Social Service Syiar Ramadan in Jambuwe Village, Kromengan District, Malang Regency

It is the duty and responsibility of all components of society to ensure that Pancasila is always present in every corner of life. This spirit was interpreted concretely by University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Plurality of beliefs, customs, and culture in Jambuwer Village, Kromengan Sub-district, Malang Regency become the main attraction for UMM to serve in that place.

"This region was chosen because we (committee) interpret this agenda as a UMM concrete effort in caring for Pancasila," said the chief of Social Activity of Ramadan UMM, Zakarija Achmat.


UMM's presence in this Social Events agenda received a rave from the whole community. Approximately 200 poor people attended the event and got free health checks. According to Head of Affairs (Kaur) Community Welfare Division of Jambuwer Village, Mochammad Asrori, UMM’s presence is a blessing for all citizens of Jambuwer both Muslims and non-Muslim

"The presence of UMM is a blessing for all citizens in Jambuwer, both the Muslim and non-Muslim," he explained.

The village of Jambuwer was chosen as a location for free treatment and health consultation because the distance of health access in this area is quite far. The community must travel approximately 10-12 kilometers to reach the nearest health center such as hospitals or health centers.

"It is very difficult, from my home to the nearest midwife reaches 10 kilos. Even to the hospital is further," one of Jambuwer, Ira Setyowati story.

Improving the baksos, Smart Car owned by UMM also presented to enliven the agenda. Its main mission is to accompany the children of the surrounding community following the social service agenda.

"We also invite the children to colouring together. When finished coloring, they ask for pencils to take home and indeed we love free drawing equipment," said Event Coordinator Drawing KaCa Car UMM, Hana Rosmalia Alfia. (ard)



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