Attending this event, Presidential Advisory Council (Watimpres) RI, Abdul Malik Fadjar, emphasized that diversity is the key to composing power in various aspects of life.
"Diversity is a blessing to be grateful for treating tolerance as the key," said the Minister of National Education (Mendiknas) for the 2001-2004 period.
Activities that have been implemented for the second time had given a special impression for INTI family of Malang Raya. Representative of INTI Malang Raya, Widodo Harsono, expects this agenda is not only to be a ceremonial, but also an initial step for both parties to open the way of cooperation and become a big family.
"Hopefully, this event is not only a ceremonial, but also will be the first step for us (red INTI family of Malang Raya) to be able to build brotherhood," Widodo said.
Complementing the ceremony, the head of the Forum of Religious Harmony (FKUB) Malang, Taufiq Kusuma, expressed his appreciation to UMM by holding the event which aims to treat tolerance of various ethnic, cultural, and ethnic groups.
"I would like to express my gratitude to UMM for this event which shows that Islamic campus plays a big role in upholding true tolerance," he explained.
Being a part of the nation's civic relay holder, Muhammadiyah through its educational institution UMM continually maintains tolerance that is in harmony with the mandate of the third precepts of "Indonesian Unity". (ard)